fka Conner
Attached is a picture of Dash, formerly Conner. We adopted him in April 2009 and since then
he has become a certified therapy dog who visits special needs kids. Every morning we
go to the neighborhood park where he amazes passersby with his skill at jumping to
catch a disk. He's the best dog ever, best friend to my two sons, and
a favorite of all the local teens (they love teaching him new tricks).
He's the best. Thank you so much for all you do!
Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays!
Judy Silcock |

fka Hawk
Happy Holidays!
Jamie Goodwick |

fka Sprite & Paisley
This is Mia (Sprite) who is now a Pacific Northwestern girl.
She is the best adventure dog we could ever ask for! :)
Macky (Paisley) is all heart and has become so brave
in her adventure life :) Love! Love our girls!
Thanks BCIN :)
Tammy Leicht |
fka Delta
Here's our sweet Stella girl donning her reindeer antlers!
We adopted her in Jan 2012 after she'd been in your
foster care for 5 months. She's such a sweet girl
and fits in perfectly. She was fairly overweight
(okay, downright obese!) so she went on
a diet and has lost 15 pounds!
Girlfriend has a waistline!
And in spite of her injured hind leg,
we take her on regular hikes which she LOVES.
In fact, she gets kinda mopey if we don't take her
for a hike. Her energy level is much higher than
a year ago, too. Amongst all of her doggie
friends, she's the alpha!
Thanks for all you've done and continue to do.
We hope your holiday is a good one too. :)
The Lewis Family |

Hope this helps!
Tracey Greaves |

fka Dylan
Hello, it's Dylan. I live with Cindy and my brother cat, Lou. We have a lot
of fun together!
My holiday wish is for all the doggies to find loving homes as I did!
Cindy Danne |
fka Rocky
Hi Suzanne,
I am attaching Rocky's photo (we kept his name)
from our trip to Mammoth in November. He
loves the snow and sniffing out all the
creatures who are trying to hibernate.
He continues to be a lovable, fun,
and funny dog who enjoys playing with
our grandchildren, taking Ed for 3 mile
walks in the morning, and keeping our yard
safe from all intruders. We are very grateful
he adopted us -- and we are grateful to you all
for continuing to rescue these marvelous dogs.
Happy healthy and peaceful 2013 to you all.
Marcia Horowitz |
fka Kahlua
Hi Suzanne,
Here is our annual holiday picture of Maggie (formerly Kahlua).
We adopted Maggie two years ago and she has been a joyful
addition to our family. After our other dog Tara died, David
really wanted to get another dog. I was very reluctant
as I wanted to sort of be "dog free" for awhile.
I agreed to go to the rescue fair near the La Brea Tar Pits and
noticed Kahlua right away . I was struck by her eyes and the
way she just looked at us. We took her for a little walk
and were sold. As soon as we got in the car, David
said, "What should we name her?" I immediately
responded "Maggie". So she was.
Happy Holidays to you and everyone at BCIN.
Barbara & David |

fka Patty
Hi Suzanne,
Attached are 4 photos of our BCIN adopted border collie-cattle dog mix “Oreo”
(formerly “Patty” pre-adoption) – all 4 photos are in the snow in Mammoth
where we have a home and where Oreo is most at home. Oreo has more
energy than most dogs and, while nearly 3 years old, is a puppy at
heart. We cannot imagine our lives without this sweet,
intelligent, and obedient dog. She goes to Mammoth
at least 1-2 times each month with her other
rescue-adopted brothers, Dodger
(also a border collie) and Rango.
Best wishes for a happy holiday season
and thanks to all the volunteers of the BCIN –
the work you do is so very important! Many loving
pets will have a wonderful season thanks to you.
As you, Suzanne, probably recall, Oreo/Patty was
24 hours away from euthanization when you drove to
Kern County Animal Shelter and rescued her.
We thank you!!!
The Kleinbergers! |

fka Pokey
Hi Suzanne,
Pokey loves going to wine country with her mom (I publish a magazine for the wine and spirits industry).
She runs through the vineyards chasing gophers – never catching any.
Here she is, taking a breather. The other photo is with her “daddy”
– you can see she is searching for something to chase.
Meridith May |
fka Gentle Ben
I just took this picture this morning, then I got the
email from you!!! Great timing!!
Here he is, Santa Claus, I mean "Gentle Ben", or Ben.
It's been 2 years since Ben came to live with us, from his
foster mom Valerie's house. He has made our home
complete!!! We love him so much and he is the
best dog!!! This past year we took Ben
camping for the first time and he loved it.
I wish everyone could have a dog like Ben.
Thank you for everything you do
for the best dogs in the world!
Merry Christmas 2012
Wilson, Jackie and Andrew Lai and Ben! |

fka Dolly
Dolly is doing well. She is such a lover, but still likes to dominate my other dog.
She also loves to chew on toilet paper and books. She is really good on
and off leash. Starting in January, she will go to agility class.
Kristen Toblesky |
fka Cowboy
Cowboy's first Christmas pics...definitely not card-worthy
but at least he's giving it the ol' 4-paws try!
Volunteer Sandye King

Frankie fka Liz
Here you go, Suzanne. A picture of the two best girl dogs in the world, Frankie (f.k.a. "Liz" at BCIN)
and Roxanne the brindle mutt dog. Frankie is (I'm guessing) 5, and Roxanne is 14.
Frankie's life is spent herding Roxanne. Everything Rox does, Frankie does.
Frankie watches over all of us day and night.
The picture is of Frankie and Roxanne, BFFs, doing the only trick they know.
They will keep the biscuit on their paws till we say, "Take it!"
There may be pools of drool all around, but they will not take
it till we allow it. They are infamous in the dog park.
Everyone knows them as a pair, and the two
best behaved dogs in the park.
Frankie is a stunner, completely obedient as long as you keep reminding her who's boss.
Best to all of you at BCIN. Always looking at the canine eye candy on the BCIN website.
Frankie will be devastated when Rox goes, and will be needing a new job...
not sure another BC will do it, but I love looking at them, anyway!
Noël and Chris,
Frankie (Liz) and Roxanne |

fka Norton
Dear Suzanne
We would love to have Teddy (formerly Norton when we adopted him at 7 months in March 2011)
included in the 4th Annual Holiday Greeting Card. Here's a recent photo taken on a
trail in Sequoia National Park where we all spent a very fun Thanksgiving week.
He has changed our lives in so many wonderful ways -
every day is a new adventure for him and us.
Many thanks to you and all the volunteers who do so much good
for the Border Collies in Need and the people who need them!
Happy Holidays
Melinda and Chuck Alvord |

fka Little Bits
This is the only snow one of Bits; was going to take a Christmassy one, but ran out of time.
Bits, who is also 1/2 Lhasa Apso, has a unique personality with the merger of two such
different breeds. But they also make up a dog who is both super smart and
delightful and fun to watch in the show ring. We just got our Rally
Obedience Excellant title! All the stewards and
judges want to take Bits home too.
We are so lucky to have her and so thankful for BCIN's rescue.
Jan and Max Hunt |
fka Shep
This isn't a very festive photograph, but one I wanted
to share. This is Shep on the day he was awarded his
Agility Dog Title. For saying that this dog wouldn't
come from behind my legs when we first started,
we have come a long way! I am so proud
of him. He is such a loving and
playful friend. I don't know
what we would do without him or
BCIN for all the good work that
you do in finding homes for
these wonderful dogs.
Happy Christmas to you all, and hopefully
another super successful year in 2013.
Hillary McGowan and Shep

fka Joker
Hello Suzanne!
Below is our families Christmas card. Jack, a.k.a Joker, is on the bottom left.
Tika, on the right is a H.O.P.E rescue. :)
We adopted Joker (now known as Jack) last March for our anniversary.
He has been a big blessing in our lives. He is not just a
sweet cuddle partner but, he is also a wonderful brother to
Tika, our other Border Collie rescue from H.O.P.E.
Jack and Tika are two peas in a pod. They
run and play all day and then cuddle up for
nap time. We love our border collies!
And we are so grateful for BCIN bringing
us another pup and Tika a brother.
Thank you BCIN!!!
The Bargaehr Family |

fka Heidi
It's been almost 1 year since we adopted Michi! We love her so much.
She has changed our lives for the better!
Happy Holidays!
The Morimoto Family |

fka Andi
We rescued "Andie" in July, 2012. She was picked up in Rancho Cucamonga in May
and fostered in Alpine by Valerie. We changed her name to "Summer".
She is thriving from a scared shy 1 year old to a confident, obedient
wonderful forever friend with a sweet disposition who loves to walk,
play and tries to catch lizards as she roams the back yard!
What a delightful addition to our family!
What a lovely idea! Thank you.
Bev and Vince Gonsowski |

fka Hunter
We got ours from you great folks. This little guy is our 3rd in 40 years.
His name is "Lil' Buddy".
The McCarthy's |

fka Joanie
Shy Annie. She is too shy to let me take her photo for Christmas.
Susan and Bob Barrett |

fka Sierra
Our "Princess" Sierra from Border Collies In Need. :0)
Okay, we thought she was a Border Collie.
Alanna Light

fka Colby
Hi Suzanne,
We received your email about the Christmas Card list.
Unfortunately, we do not have any current pictures of
Allie. So could you include the one you took in our
backyard. Her name was Colby when you had her
and we changed it to Allie.
Thanks for including her….she is such a joy for us.
She keeps us real busy. She is currently in
obedience training and loves her treats.
She will do anything for a dog cookie.
Thanks again, and have a wonderful holiday.
Dave and Lyn Gilmore

fka Floss
This is Shadow (Floss, far left), adopted July 2010 in Upland.
She has been a great addition to the family.
Happy Holidays from the Smith family, Shadow, Bailey and Rusty.

fka Shayna
Here is a picture of Shadow (Shayna when we adopted her) doing her
best impersonation of a reindeer. She had to have surgery in August
to remove a tumor on her leg but she has recovered completely.
She's been an absolute blessing to our family. Thank you
for all of the great work that you do!
Happy Holidays!!!!
Terry Wagner

fka Skeeter
Holiday Greetings to all,
We have been blessed this year and Skeeter is one of our blessings.
He's a good boy as you can see and loves his family very much.
Skeeter enjoys his walks and his frisbee play. He is a
fixture around the neighborhood and loved by all,
dogs and people alike.
Wishing everyone a a joyous and happy new year.
The McCarthys

fka Trey
We adopted Trey on Labor Day of 2008. The poor guy was left to roam the streets
of Lompoc all alone. When Trey was rescued he was down to 39 pounds and his
hair was almost orange. With the help of his rescue Mom (Kathy) and his
time with us Trey is now a robust 65 pounds - he is a BIG Border Collie.
Besides food Trey loves to play with Grace, walks and snuggle time.
Trey is quite the lover and just lives to be petted. Trey has
made our lives much richer and we do appreciate BCIN
for allowing us to adopted Trey.
Michael & Cindy

fka Reba & Skipper
Reba and Skipper (we did not rename them) are now fully settled in
and are our new kids now the real kids are at college. We had
Christmas photos taken to aid the Escondido humane society.
Santa is looking strained because earlier he had a
photoshoot with a boa constrictor.
Keep up with the good work!
Roger & Charlotte
fka Stormie
I've fallen completely in love with my Stormie girl!
She is the best dog and a perfect match for me
and my lifestyle. She is doing great and is
excited to greet me each day when I get
home from work.
I'm very thankful to Border Collies in Need
and the great work that all of you do!
Happy Holidays!!
Terry Tanori
fka Loretta
Here's a pic of Delilah (Loretta) with her older sister
Annie in front of the tree. She's doing great!
Delilah travels with us wherever we go: Texas,
Ohio, Oregon, Alabama, Arizona to name a few.
But her absolute favorite place is to
catch the waves at Lake Huron in
Michigan. We go for a week
every year and she runs, swims
and plays nonstop the entire time!
Amanda Uber |
fka Stella
I don't have anything holiday themed…
just the theme of love. This is Stella
who we renamed Lola. We call her Lola,
Loli, LO or Lolita. She responds to
all of them and all types of FOOD!
We adopted her just about a year ago.
She is very happy, strong and athletic.
She loves FOOD more than anything.
We adore her and talk about
her all the time!
Happy Holidays,
Marty |

fka Rocco
Hi Suzanne,
These are pictures of Merlin (formerly Rocco).
We adopted him just over 4 years ago from Border Collies in Need.
These photos were taken at Lake Gregory Dog Park.
Happy Holidays!
Elaine & Jeff Roessle |

fka Maverick
Dear Suzanne,
I was so happy to receive your e-mail. We adopted a Border Collie from you
in March 2012 your name for him was Maverick - we call him Brodie (a good
Scottish name like his heritage). I cannot begin to tell you what a
lovely dog he is. He has captured all of our hearts. My daughters
and I met you at the park in San Pedro and it was love at first
site for all of us. Brodie truly is the most wonderful dog we
have ever owned. He loves us as much as we love him. One of
my daughters is autistic and Brodie sleeps with her every
night and seems to know that she has special needs
and needs his love at night time.
Thank you for what you do and how much what you do
has such a positive effect on the families that you find
homes for your Rescue dogs.. We adore Brodie and can't imagine
our lives without him. I have attached one of my favorite pictures
of him for you compilation. Brodie and I enjoy long 1 1/2 to 2 hour walks
every day and he is never short of admirers as we walk along the Esplanade in
Redondo Beach. He is adorable and we have you to thank.
Enjoy the holidays and thank you again for what you do
for this wonderful breed of dogs.
Loads of love
Catriona, Douglas, Katie & Fiona McVicar |

fka Barnie
Hi Suzanne,
Here is a photo of Enzo, formerly "Barnie," with our Christmas tree. We adopted him in February 2011.
We had to convince Enzo to get off the couch and lay on the floor for a change for this photo!
He's become such an integral part of our family, it's hard to remember what life was like
before him... he's our running & road trip partner, snuggle buddy, our protector,
camping companion...our forever family.
Thank you to you and all of the BCIN volunteers for all that you do.
Thank you for helping us complete our family.
Happy Holidays!
Stacey, Cameron & Enzo Crockett |

fka Topaz
Happy Holidays from Topaz (our BCIN friend - the Brown one) and Darby!
Topaz (whose name we kept) has been a great addition to our home...
Since welcoming her, she has had no trouble finding her place!
She's always happy to play, hike, or just hang out.
Todd Hemker

Manny & Hope
With Santa in Sedona

fka Sean
Sparked (fka) Sean and his playmate Amber.
JD Reeves

fka Panda
Dear Suzanne,
Panda is such a wonderful dog and I am so grateful to Border Collies in Need
for rescuing her and allowing me to adopt her. She still runs each morning
with the bicycle and gets very excited when she spots a squirrel or a cat!
We love her and she has enriched our lives.
Amy Disparte

fka Charm

fka Fiona
Hi Suzanne,
My current and former name is Fiona. I knew my name so my new family,
who adopted me last May, let me keep it.
Here is a photo on my front porch, where I sat still with hardly any work.
In my new life, I go on walks around San Pedro every day and on trips to
Lake Tahoe and Catalina, but I love our weekends hiking up in Big Bear
the best. I am even allowed off leash on some of the trails now!
I learned good leash behavior very quickly, and had almost no accidents in
the house after I moved in. I have met many human and dog friends,
and I have even been invited to join the "girls" at
a few of the local dog friendly cafes.
I can't wait to hear how all my friends are doing!
Thank you for helping me find my family.
Fiona Gentile

fka Gypsy
Hi Suzanne,
I have attached two pics of our BCIN rescue, Bug, formerly known as Gypsy.
One pic is just her in her antlers and the other is her with her brother, Gonzo,
who is also a Border Collie we rescued but we got him from a different shelter.
About Bug:
Bug is such a wonderful dog. It took her months to really come out of her shell,
and now that she has she is such a riot. She wakes us up with a literal smile
each morning--she pulls up her top lip to show her teeth, it's the funniest thing!
She gets along really well with her brother Gonzo, who we had first. They
play all day long and love being around each other. She LOVES to play
fetch and cuddle with us; she even convinced us to let her on the couch and bed.
She is so smart, so funny, and just a wonderful dog. We plan to start her in agility classes soon
since she is so strong and fast, and really zeroes in on a ball or Frisbee. She has fit in really well
with our family and we are so glad we adopted her! Looking forward to seeing the holiday card!
-Amy & Kelly Roemelen |

fka Cosmo
Cosmo on one of his many beds...
Katie & Jim

fka Hannah
Hi Suzanne,
Here is our "Sweet Skye" (Hannah) waiting by the tree for her Christmas gifts to arrive.
She has been extra good this year so I'm sure Santa will be very generous.
Dave and I are so pleased to have enjoyed her loving companionship for
another year and thank BCIN for her and the wonderful work that you do.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Dave & Terry Duncan

fka Misty, Olive, & Panda
A very special thanks to BCIN for helping us put our wonderful pack together.
We wish everyone a wonderful holiday and a new year full of Border Collie fun.
Bette and Steve Jameson
BCIN Volunteers
Kayla (aka Misty) 2011 • Kiera (aka Olive) 2010 • Bentley (aka Panda) 2013

fka Bullseye
This is Bullseye a BCIN dog, and his new little sister, Rigby, that we adopted from a shelter in June.
It took some getting used to, but Bully and Rigby are great friends. Rigby has helped Bullseye be
a more confident dog, and helped him learn how to play, and wrestle, and have fun. Bullseye
even does tricks now! We took the dogs to San Diego over the weekend and the hotel
we were staying at just happened to have free photo's with Santa...so here it is.
Bullseye, Rigby, and Santa

fka Shawnee
Hi Suzanne,
Sending pics of Shawnee (Yes we kept her original name). She has gone from a very scared pup
to social doggy who is known all over the neighborhood, especially in Larchmont village
where she loves to walk every day. We cannot thank you enough for bring us together,
after losing our beloved maxi who was part of our family for 18 years!
Now Shawnee has become such a wonderful member
of our family. Life truly goes forward...
Much love to all the wonderful people @ BCIN.
I know all of us who have benefitted
from your tireless energy thank
you so very very much.
Love Jane, Griff & Shawnee
fka Lucy
Hi Suzanne,
Hope this finds you well. Attached are 3 pics of Lucy.
She was not crazy about Santa but was a good girl.
Poor dogs-we make them all do Santa once.
Received the signed registration papers back from Carol
with a nice note so will get her registered for next
year in case we pursue the sheep thing. She
has been introduced-Loved them, would
learn quickly I think and do well.
She is very smart. She has
settled in well.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season
and a happy, healthy new year.
Looking forward to seeing the card with all
the happy dogs. Hope I sent them correctly.
If not, I'll have Gary do it. He is so
much better than I at this stuff.
Judy & Gary Slayton
fka Rio
Good morning,
Here is a picture I just took of Rio. I kept his name the same from
when I adopted him on Sept 10, 2011. I didn't want to cause
any more confusion or stress with him. I also have him
with antlers on, but it's not going thru right now.
He has improved around women and other dogs,
but he just won't play with them. Although,
lately, he has shown signs that he is
starting to loosen up on that front,
as well. I'm sure once I
adopt another BC, he'll
be playful with his
new playmate.
As soon as I move into a house,
I want to adopt one that is compatible with Rio.
Mario Villalba
fka Peanut
Hi Suzanne-
Here's a photo of Peggy, formerly Peanut,
who we adopted in July of 2010. She
is shown here with her jingle bell
collar and her brother Jackson.
Happy Holidays
and keep up the good work!
Jim Owens and Mark Funk

fka Apollo
Hi Suzanne,
I hope that this email finds you well. For months, we've been meaning to email you with
an update on Jax (previously Apollo). Jax is doing fantastic and growing up
to be such a good boy. We adore him!!! He is a lot of fun and he loves going
out on his daily walks and going to the dog park. He gets along so well with
other dogs and he loves to play fetch with the Chuck It and frisbee. He has
certainly kept us fit - he gets two big walks/runs during each workday and he
spends a lot of time at the dog park on the weekends (he gets the chance to
really kick it out and run at the park). We have a large open dog
park near the home and there is ample room for running and socializing.
Every Wednesday he now goes to a pet sitter (Dog Walks n' More - they are the best!)
and he gets to play all day with his 'girlfriend' Chloe (she is a boxer about the
same age). When we pick him up on Wednesday evenings he is so happy and
also pooped from playing all day long with the other dogs. He adores
his pet sitters (Vicky & Marleen) - he will be there for the Christmas
holiday and he is treated like a king - he stays at their home and
even gets to sleep in their beds with their dogs. They
treat him like one of their own, which is so nice to know
when we are gone. Plus, he really trusts them.
Jax is still a bit leary of new people, but he is starting to trust more and more.
Based on our observations, he trusts women more than men. After the
Christmas holiday, we'll start working with a trainer again to continue
to work on building his confidence. When Jax is home with us, he
loves to follow us both around. He is happiest if he is near us.
He is our little shadow and goes where we go and sometimes doesn't
know what to do if we aren't ALL in the same room at once.
In the mornings, he likes to sleep in until about 7am and
then he is ready for a morning outing. As of recent, he
has starting talking in the morning and he
makes the greatest noises.
I've enclosed a few pics of Jax...unfortunately, I don't have any pics in front of
the Christmas tree. I also enclosed a picture of Jax in Montana with my
brother's dog Panda (a border/aussie mix) and my Dad's dog Dillon (McNab
shepherd). Both are rescues from Dillon, MT and Missoula, MT. The
three of them got along so well with Jax. We took a road trip
to MT this summer and spent three weeks there. Jax had
20 acres to do what he wanted. It was like Disneyland
for Jax. His daily job was chasing squirrels and
chipmunks and wrestling with Panda...Dillon just
stood on the sidelines and herded. They
are quite the trio! He also loved the road
trip - he adores going for car rides.
If I am unloading groceries, he'll
jump in the back of our wagon
and wait to go somewhere.
We can't thank you and your team enough for everything you do for the dogs
you rescue. You are truly angels to all of the dogs you encounter.
We feel so blessed to have met Jax - he has taught us so much
and we can't imagine life without him.
We wish you a very Happy Holidays!
Kirsten, Patrick and Jax
fka Regan
Good morning,
Hi Suzanne & BCIN Team,
Here's a picture of Bo and Layla (formerly known as Regan).
We've had them about 3 years now and they are doing great.
Bo happily chases balls, takes the stuffing out of toys, and
makes mischief as Layla keeps the perimeter secure.
She's always on patrol unless Bo teases her into an
epic wrestling match or a game of tug-of-war.
They're so fun to watch and have brought
much joy into our lives - always ready
to go on a new adventure with us.
Happy Holidays!
Dan & Holly Rochford

fka Skeeter
Holiday Greetings to all,
We have been blessed this year and Skeeter is one of our blessings.
He's a good boy as you can see and loves his family very much.
Skeeter enjoys his walks and his frisbee play. He is a
fixture around the neighborhood and loved by all,
dogs and people alike.
Wishing everyone a a joyous and happy new year.
The McCarthys

fka Terracotta
This is not the best. She doesn't really want to take pics tonight
and I am not very organized at the moment. I'm getting ready
to go to Colorado. I hope you have a great holiday!
Dana Demarce

fka Blacky
Good Morning. I recently adopted a Border Collie named "Blacky" from your
rescue Service, and he and I have made a very good bond. He's gained
about nine pounds since he entered my life. He appears to be a happy
puppy and is getting more comfortable with other dogs.
However, He's only 50% Border Collie. According to his DNA Test
he's 50% Australian Koolie and 50% Border Collie. His Name now
is Kage Ni, which means Shadow Two in Japanese. Kage is
pronounced Ka' Geh, and Ni is pronounced Nee. He takes me
for two to four walks per day.
He's becoming considerably less submissive towards people, and other dogs.
I believe he was abused in his former Life. He's learned to bark
when people approach our House, which I like. My Neighbors also
like this trait. He's met my Brother's Dog, Diamond, a Female
Border Collie Black Lab Mix, and they now like to
rough house together in his Yard.
I'm very happy to have found Kage, and he's been
a very good addition to my home.
Thank you and have a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.
Also, thanks for rescuing Border Collies and their mixes.
Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of Kage yet,
so I'm sending some from Ms Kathy Rubenzer.
Very truly yours

fka Minnie
Merry Christmas!
You can see that Ginnie has done well!
Norma & David

fka Trent & Fanny
Bentley spotted his Dad and looking back on our adoption day photos, Bentley instantly
charmed his way into his Dad’s heart. They are the best of buds. While on
vacation in Montana, we discovered that Bentley had a torn ACL which required
surgery. Dad spent the first few nights on the floor beside Bentley.
Both are back to their playful self’s! Bentley is our angel boy, he
makes us smile, hug, kiss and laugh every day! Bentley was such a
joy, we adopted Phani (her story to follow)…
Phani is our wild child! Phani got my attention with that beautiful face.
She has won my heart with her loving devotion. We had many
sleepless nights and tears. She was like a wild animal
running everywhere, all the time. Bentley would growl
and occasionally snap at her. He would grab her around her
neck and put her whole head in his mouth. I was afraid for
her safety and our sanity. I wasn’t sure we would be able
to keep her, I would text Kathy Rubenzer and she always
had encouraging words. Thank you Kathy you will always
have a special place in my heart! Phani has
turned into a trusting, fun loving, sweet, adorable
and faithful friend. She is still our wild
child, but Mom now laughs instead of crying!
While Bentley healed from his surgery, we enjoyed an extended vacation in Montana.
We have all bonded as a family and can’t imagine life without our Kids!!! Phani
and Mom just finished a beginners training class, and have signed up for
intermediate. Bentley and Dad passed intermediate training and have
signed up for advanced. Both have goals of becoming therapy dogs.
Muriel Chala

fka Athena
Greeting from the Patko family. This is Lady Pippa (Athena).
We are so happy that we were able to adopt our wonderful girl.
She has filled our home with much joy and happiness.
Thank you for your continued rescue efforts
to find homes for these wonderful dogs.
Happy holidays and keep up the good work.
Martin and Judy Patko
fka Reggie
Hi Suzanne,
Here is a photo of Reggie (kept his rescue name). Reggie
has settled in nicely with our family, he enjoys being with
us all the time, his daily walks and playing with the
neighborhood dogs. He passed obedience school at
the top of his class and hopes to get involved
in Disc or Agility to keep him active and busy.
We are looking forward to his first Holiday season
with us and hopefully getting him to the
local mountains for some snow play!
Thanks for saving him.
The Kirkpatricks |
fka Alice
Hi Suzanne,
I hope we are not too late to add our photo to
your greeting card? We just got our photo
back from Santa :) I have also included
a couple photos of Maggie (in case
you want to use them for anything
on your site).
We adopted Maggie in August after our dog, Max,
passed away earlier this year. We have had
her about 3 months now and she is fitting
in to our family great. She loves to
play Frisbee but her favorite toy is
an empty water bottle. She wakes
up every morning by snuggling
with us on the bed.
We think she has come to love us
as much as we have grown to love her.
I hope that you have a wonderful holiday
and find homes for all your rescues this year.
All the best,
David and Lisa Keeping
fka Jenny
Hi Suzanne,
I haven't taken a holiday photo of Lilly (FKA Jenny)
but wanted to let you know she's doing wonderfully well.
Lilly is still very self entertaining and has managed
to get her sister Nilla involved in many activities.
She has a bucket of toys and spreads them around the
yard while at play, her favorite is always a new toy.
She loves to run and does herd Nilla a bit, I plan to
take her herding in the coming year. She loves to
sleep at my feet and is surprisingly a sound
sleeper while I watch TV in the evening.
I'm so happy to have her as a member of
my family! Thank you and your team
for all the great work you do!
Have a wonderful holiday!
Regards, Janet Liquie |
fka Bleu
"Bleu" is a wonderful companion dog. Whenever we walk him
to the store, everyone comments on how beautiful and
unusual-looking he is. He intimidates strangers
(no one comes to the door unannounced!) but has
a beautifully-gentle disposition and has been
even better-than-expected around the children.
He is very tolerant of our two-year old and
very protective of him. When my husband
horse-plays with Mary Rose and the toddler,
Michael David, Bleu jumps up and throws his
body in front of the baby and nips my husband's
hands. Additionally, I feel very safe whenever I
am out walking with him or if the younger children
are home alone I know that he would come to their aid.
Bleu graduated from obedience school over the summer
and he is true to his breed and very intelligent. |
He always stays with the "pack" which has created a bit of a problem when he gets
left behind (he has some separation issues and cries) but most often, he just
comes with us. He's a great car and RV traveler and has been to the beach
many times. We'll be trying him out in the snow this winter. Above all,
he is very loving dog who adores his family and we him. After hugging
each other, Bleu is next in line as who could resist his luxuriously
soft fur which makes everything "instant better"!
Thank you for all the work you do for these wonderful creatures!
The Aston family

fka Zara
May lovely, happy times decorate your holiday season--
May warm, special memories brighten your new year--
May the wonder of Christmas be with you forever.
This is Angel (FKA Zara). We sure love her and
she has added much joy to our family.
Thank you Border Collies In Need.
Merry Christmas,
Karen R. |

fka Freddie
Hi Suzanne,
We've decided to change Freddie's name to Jack, so if you could
please take care of turning in the micro chip information, I'd
appreciate it. I have also attached our Christmas picture.
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas,
Carla, Jack and Family
fka Cowgirl
Attached is this year’s Christmas photo
of our two rescues, Gracie (formerly Cowgirl)
and Tucker (rescued from Border Collies of
No. California). Gracie was rescued in
December 2007 and Tucker a few years
later. These two are inseparable!
They are our almost constant
companions and bring much joy
and laughter to our lives. We
enjoy greeting people on our daily
walks and both Gracie and Tucker charm
everyone they meet J. Gracie is a “classic”
border collie-she loves balls, Frisbees-pretty
much anything that moves or flies-which can be
a problem if you are a small furry creature.
Tucker is more laid back and just loves to
chase his sister around. Thank you for
all the work you do to save and care
for these precious animals.
God Bless you all and Merry Christmas
from the Coopers |
fka Wizard
Suzanne, this is the best picture of Wizard
I was able to get with Brenden as he
is afraid of cameras still.
Thanks, LaDawn |

fka Gin & Moss
Tessy and Moss hiking.
Alla Dorodny |
fka Bandit
I rescued him 2 ½ years ago from BCIN.
I kept his name because he was a owner surrender and
knew his name. He is the best dog I have ever had:)
Merry Christmas from Joey & Bandit!
Volunteer Shelly Nichols |

fka Tria
Hi Suzanne,
Attached is a picture of our family, including Sierra (FKA Tria).
We adopted Sierra last December and she is coming along slowly
but surely. She is still skittish but doing better all the
time. She is gradually becoming more trusting and will
now go out in the backyard by herself. We adore
her and are so grateful to your organization
for enabling us to add her to our family.
Happy Holidays to you and your wonderful volunteers.
Debbie, Tom, Brian & amp; Erik Larson |

fka Zack
Hey Suzanne. This is a picture of Tebow, formerly known as Zack. We adopted him
in late October or Early November of 2009. We had initially adopted another BC
from your rescue, but that didn't work out. You and Kathy got us hooked up
with a gorgeous black and white border collie that you had just rescued from
a shelter: owner turn-in. We named him Tebow. He is our pride and
joy. His most favorite thing to do is play Frisbee. He's crazy about
the Frisbee. We take him to this big open grassy area and wear him
out - for a little while at least. I'm a regular runner - anywhere from
5 to 10 miles - and Tebow is my running partner. I put a pack on
him with some water and off we go. He loves it. He also ran
the Plymouth Rock and Run with me on Thanksgiving morning
2011 here in Yorba Linda. I ran the fastest 10K of my life
because of Tebow!!! BTW there is another black and white
border collie that we run by occasionally and they also
adopted their dog from BCIN. Small world.
We love Tebow with everything that we are. He brings us so much joy.
It's a good thing we are an active family!!!!! Smartest dog (breed) of all.
I did some private training lessons with him here at my house. He learned
everything lightening fast. Wow. I'm going to send another email real quick
and attach a picture of my husband, me, my son, my daughter and Tebow.
Happy Holidays,
Kim Clack and Family |

fka Sierra
Nick and I finally got around to getting our engagement photos done
and got some great ones with Mystie (formerly Sierra)!
I just had to share them with you!
She has been such a wonderful addition to our family and we can't
imagine our lives without her! She has a wonderful, loving
personality and is so smart! We feel so blessed that we
got to provide her with a forever home!
Hope everything is going well on your end, and please let me know
if there is any way we can help support BCIN!
Colette and Nick

fka Kramer
Have a wonderful Chanukah and Christmas.
Brigette Loden
Corky Garner Loden (BC) and Carmen Loden (BC/Pointer mix)


fka Kyla
I'm sorry that it took me a while to send this in response to your request
for pictures. John and I adopted Kyla in early March. We kept her rescue
name--I liked it. She is doing well--loves to catch raindrops, play
with toys and ride in cars. She makes friends with everyone.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Debbie Johnson

fka Tasha, Rocky & Tiny
Merry Christmas to all the BCIN dogs from the Hooper's.
We hope you are enjoying this holiday season and that you know
you are so very loved and finally home forever.
Sue & Larry, Rocky, Tasha, Gracie and Tiny
BCIN Volunteers

fka Zorro & Ellie
Hi, Suzanne. Hope this photo is not too late for you.
Here are BCIN alumni Zorro (on the left) and Ellie (who was
called Shelby while with BCIN). They get along wonderfully with
each other; they were just wrestling with each other as I wrote this email.
They love going for walks together and running around the back yard.
Zorro is an amateur air traffic controller (aka barking at planes),
while Ellie is more down to earth, sniffing around for lizards and gophers.
Thanks to you and to Greg, who fostered Ellie and Zorro!
Roxanne Perfect-Knight

fka Olivia

fka Bendi
Hi Suzanne,
Sorry we missed the deadline. In any case here's pictures of Sadie, who we got through
you all back on November 7, 2010 at the Best Friends Mega Adoption at the Tar Pits.
Here she is today a happy, healthy and gorgeous Brindle Border girl. First one is
a family photo we took about a few weeks after we adopted her. As you can see
she fits right in and loves our other dog, Scout, the big Golden. The
following photos are from the past couple of years with the Big Bear
shot CU the most recent. She's a real beauty.
Best... Janice Engel & Maja Almskou

fka Bacall and Tristan
Hi Suzanne,
I'm late with turning in a couple of pictures our two rescue from your AMAZING organization.
Kylli (former name Bacall) adopted 8/16/2008 • Finn (Former name Tristan) adopted 5/29/2010
I have a recent picture of Kylli & Finn who are actually hanging out with each other.
Being that Kylli has always been the Alpha Girl (as it should be :-)). Finn is good
about respecting his sister's wishes. If not she eventually give him a little nip
he yelps and now Finn understands LOL. Any who they both love to play together.
Kylli she is just simple a sweet little girl who just wants to be your best
friend and be by your side. She is very attached to her daddy :-) Kylli
does not stray far after her escape when we first got her. She will
come on the porch and sit next to whomever is outside. She
definitely knows this is her forever home.
Finn officially loves to play with toys, especially
squeaky tennis balls. When he is excited to see you
he howls different tones and if you howl with him he will
continue to howl. His latest is when you walk into the house
of course like any dog you must acknowledge them. With Finn he
does not settle down until you allow him to give you a kiss on
the check, then he is happy. If I leave the house he goes to
the window and barks and if he does not think he got my
attention he barks louder. He wants to go with me
everywhere. He will not let anyone walk him if
I'm home, he runs or walks over to me and
sits by my side. So unfortunately, the
hubby says you need to get up and walk him.
Finn is not budging...LOL. I have tried telling
him go walk with daddy but nope. Our two kids Lucas (13)
and Samantha (Sammy 11) have lots of fun with both dogs.
They all play really well together.
Please wish your entire team a wonderful holiday and Happy New year.
Thank you to all of you for your time in rescuing this amazing breed.
Life as I'm concerned is boring without a Border Collie in your life.
They truly are a very unique breed, or I could just be bias... :-D
Best wishes,
Jeff, Suzette, Lucas, Sammy, Kylli & Finn :-)

fka Zeke
Hi Suzanne and Kathy!
Well it's not a Holiday photo but it's Zeke. I sent a card off to you today
with a small donation for BCIN plus a separate letter with a small gift for
Kathy for fostering Zeke before I "kidnapped" him from her. He was really
terrified to be taken away from her home that day.
Zeke has been a great addition to our family. When I first got him home I could tell
he hadn't seen stairs before, didn't know any commands. But he is of course very
smart. He's a very happy guy in general - enthusiastic about greeting people he
knows, and loves his agility classes. With strangers he is very wary and I have
to manage the first encounters with people coming to our home. Once he knows
they are nice then he's very friendly. We go on multiple walks every day, I
have a bunch of tricks Zeke like to do at home for treats, and our agility
classes are coming along. From being the slowest border collie in the
world in agility, he is now gaining confidence to work away from me
more and to go ahead when needed on the course. He is gaining
speed too. He knows the neighborhood and in-law's dogs by
name. He can be very silly at times and is basically just
a really sweet boy. We are really enjoying having him in
our family and can't imagine who would have let him go!
Thank you for all you and your volunteers do for border collies!
Happy Holidays!

fka Brody & Kelo
Hi there,
Sorry if the photo of Brody & Reno is late, but took this of them
posing as Sherlock & Dr. Watson in the early morning frost!
Keep up the good work!
Chris & Caroline

fka Argos & Kylie
Here's a photo of Argus and Pepper. The two of them have become great friends
and play all the time. Pepper likes to pretend she's the boss, and Argus
lets her until she infringes on something he wants. He likes her so
much that he will actually leave some of his food in his bowel in
the mornings so she can have it. They are really sweet together.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you at BCIN,
you do such great work, keep it up!
Stan Clayton

fka Sam
Wishing you all the happiness this holiday season can bring!
With much love to my BCIN family,
Tanya & Gib
(Adopted Oct 2009, FKA Sam)
BCIN Volunteer
fka Ausin
Here’s our Beau waiting to go out for a winter walk.
Merry Christmas and thanks to all at Border
Collies in Need for our special friend
and companion. Beau has settled
in to be the best family dog ever!
Peggie and Jack Wormington |

Kathy Rubenzer
BCIN Co-founder

fka Nap
Happy Collie Days to you all!
It has been such a pleasure serving as webmaster for Border Collies In Need during the last five years.
Thank you, Suzanne, for the leadership you have shown the group, and your tireless dedication
to finding homes for these beautiful animals. Thanks, also, to the volunteers, listed below, who
have opened their homes to fostering and nurturing dogs who ask for little but give so much.
Most of all, thank you to those of you who have found it in their hearts to
welcome a Border Collie in need into their families.
Peace and love to all,
Melinda Young
On behalf of our BCIN volunteers, Happy Collie Days!
Kathy Rubenzer • Valerie Schaaf • Greg MacDonald • Tanya Garcia
Sue Hooper • Stacey Kozak • Tammy Leicht • Sandye King
Bette & Steve Jameson • Shelly Davis • Shelly Nichols
Erin Bondy • Lori Bledsoe • Fabiana
Here is a holiday treat for all you BC lovers. (Watch it full screen!)
Santa Collies