Have yourself a merry little Christmas and make the Yuletide gay.
Suzanne Strauss, Kizzy, Hope, and Manny |

Yappy Howlidays from BCIN Volunteers Greg MacDonald holding Tawny, Sue Hooper, Suzanne Strauss holding Ollie, Bette Jameson, Santa with Toby Tyler, Steve Jameson with Wyatt, and Shelly Nichols with Nika.

fka Sam
Gib and I just celebrated our 4th Puppiversary and I couldn't be happier to be sharing my life
with this AMAZING dog. It's now been 2 years that we've been competing in AKC Agility.
This year, Gib earned his Excellent Standard and Jumpers Titles and is well on his way
to earning his Masters Titles and hopefully a Championship title somewhere down the
road. In February, Gib became a model for HollyWoof Animal Actors, Inc. in
Florida and has had 3 modeling jobs for print ads and 1 commercial for City
Furniture which started airing last week. It boggles my mind how
far this sweet boy has come. I thank my lucky stars every
day for bringing us together. Like I always say,
Gib is my smile, my laughter, my love.
Thank you, Border Collies In Need, for all that you do for the dogs
and for continuing to allow me to be a part of this amazing group of volunteers
even though I'm so far away. You all mean the world to me and I thank you from
the bottom of my heart for your support and friendship. May your New Year
be blessed and filled with joy, good health, peace, success and most importantly… dogs!
All our love ~ Tanya & Gib (FKA Sam, Adopted 10/23/09) |

fka Logan
Hi Suzanne,
We just took holiday photos of our three dogs, including our Border Collie rescue.
We adopted him last Dec. 23 and his name was Logan. My husband always
wanted a dog named Augie, so that's what we call him now
(but his full name is Augustine Logan Palmore).
He's fit in very nicely with our family
and we love him very much.
Sharon Penny |

fka Hawk
Happy Holidays from Hawk & Jamie!
p.s. - You're invited to the TEAM PHUN®
booth #2641 at Surf Expo in Orlando, FL
from Jan. 9-11 !!
Jamie Goodwick |

fka Joker
Hello Suzanne!
I hope all is going well for you and BCIN! Below is our Christmas
card for you to share and a small update like you asked for.
Jack (aka Joker) is doing great! He has fully adjusted to our family
and other pup, Tika, since we adopted him about two years ago. He has
taken on the role of watch dog at our house and enjoys doing hourly patrols to
make sure we are safe. We are so happy to have to have Jack be a part of our family.
He is such a funny lovable dog that will always be by your side. We are blessed to have him.
Lots of love, Derek & Stacey Bargaehr |

fka Scarlett
It’s nice to hear from you again. We got our dog ‘Scarlett’ from you (yes, you were the host)
on Christmas Eve 2009. You had already named her Scarlett and we kept that name as
it is
very fitting for her. Her exact age is unknown, we were told between 10-14 months
when we got her so we declared her birthday to be Dec, 25th. She will be 5 this Christmas
and we have enjoyed all of the 4 years we have had together and hope for many more.
We got her from BCIN as a mixed Border Collie but have found since then that she is more of
a mixed Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, a breed we had never heard of before but
looking in since then have learned a bit about. She has a little less energy
than a BC but is very loving and attentative, we couldn’t be happier.
Thanks again for all the good work you and BCIN do and Merry Christmas to you.
Steve and Darcy Potvin
And Scarlett |
fka Chess
Please find attached some photos of us
with our boy Tylor (your Chess). He is the
center of our world and we love him so. He is
very active and love his Frisbee and tennis
balls and long walks with his daddies.
Thank you for letting him rescue us :)
Happy Holidays!
Gary, Dom & Tylor

fka Trey
This is Trey & Grace’s Christmas picture this year. We got Trey (original name Trey)
from BCIN on Labor Day 2008. Since then he has had a great life. He is absolutely
bonded with Grace, who is the alpha of the pair. They do everything together
walk, eat, sleep, and mostly play. Grace catches Frisbees and Trey catches
Grace. They walk on a single leash, share a single dog dish, and play tug
of war with the toys. Trey is still very much a water dog and loves to
play in the hose. We are looking forward to many more of laughter
and love from this big boy. Thanks again for all that you do.
Michael amp; Cindy

fka Jersey
Here are some Christmas photos of our BC "Sadie". We have had Sadie 2 1/2 years. Her previous
name was "Jersey". She is a very happy and loved dog. Every morning my wife and I
walk Sadie and three of her friends. Her three friends are dogs that for various
reasons do not get walked by their owners. So our "Sadie" has a dog pack
that she loves and THAT SHE IS IN FULL CONTROL OF.
She loves walking with her friends.
Rich & Linda Quinones |

fka Cola
Hello and Merry Christmas! This is Cooper, formerly known as Cola. Cooper was
adopted from BCIN in December of 2011. He has been the greatest gift to my life.
He is my constant companion. Cooper loves to hike, travel and camp.
He loves my extended family and friends. I am blessed!
I retired one year ago and we are inseparable
Thank Border Collies In Need for your wonderful work!
Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Lori Crickett |

fka Annie
Merry Christmas!
The Aldermans |
fka Nellie
HI Suzanne
Hope it is not too late to get Nellie in.
Hope this settles the age old question of whether there is a Santa or not.
Shirley Conley |

KARLY fka Karly
Hi Suzanne,
Karly (right) is with Riley, who is her best friend! It is hard to believe how much things have changed in a year; they are inseparable now. As you know, we kept the name BCIN gave our sweet girl. Karly is the most cuddly dog we have ever known, and likes to sit in mom or dad's lap when we watch tv. She also enjoys trips to the beach, walks, and herding Riley in the backyard!
Rebecca and Matt Eichinger |

fka Zorro & Shelby
Hi, Suzanne. Here are BCIN alumni Zorro and Ellie (who was called Shelby while with BCIN,
enjoying their visit from St. Nicholas with his presents of chicken jerky treats.
Zorro and Ellie love hanging out with each other, napping on the couch, chasing around the dog park and
having wrestling matches with their friends at doggie day care. Ellie loves swimming out into the bay
retrieve balls and chase ducks. She also loves hunting lizards and gophers in the back yard.
Zorro is not much of a swimmer but he helps with the backyard critter hunts, and keeps
us safe from aerial intruders like hawks or jets landing at the airport.
Many thanks to Greg and Suzanne for fostering these two!
Bob Knight and Roxanne Perfect-Knight |

fka Jestin
Hi Suzanne,
Sorry for the delay, but Tanya has been very busy
and I'm not very keen when it comes to computers...
This year we have a lot of things to be thankful for, most of all for BCIN,
that gave us the blessing of Redford (fka Jestin) joining our family. We never
thought he was going to be such a joy... Every day he makes us laugh with that
feeling that a good dog gives you. He's just so lovable and squeezable.
Thank you for giving us all this and then some...
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Blessings to all from The Garcia's |

fka Mojave
Kivas and Dexter Catalano posing in front of the Christmas Tree. |

fka Sweep
Here is a recent picture of Sweep.
We did not change his name.
He is the most wonderful,
sweet, sensitive friend!!
Susan L. |

fka Chase
Here you go. Happy holidays!
Todd |

fka Jayce
Dear Suzanne...
Great idea. I am enclosing a Holiday Photo of (Formerly known as JAYCE adopted
2011 @ La Brea Tar Pits Park)....now named BELLA. Here, "Bella" has settled in
just fine to her "forever home" which she shares peacefully with her "sister
cat". She enjoys walks, the beach and Tug O’ War with her play rope. She
is fiercely protective of her family and home, and anxious to greet
other passing dogs during the day.
She wants to thank you for rescuing her and delivering her to her forever home.
Finally, she wants to wish all the BC's a happy holiday season and hopes for homes for all.
Randall & Brigitte
Mission Viejo, CA |

fka Bubbles
Bubbles (former and current name) recently taught us that she loves snow!
So Christmas is her favorite time of year.
Happy holidays to everyone!
Tracy and Tonya Burdine

fka Ladie
Oso and Ladie (both adopted by BCIN volunteer Greg MacDonald)
tried to stay up late on Christmas Eve to greet Santa last year,
but they ended up falling asleep by the gifts before his arrival.

fka Oso

fka Mickey, with Paige
Hi Suzanne,
Here is my 3rd attempt at getting the dogs to sit pretty for the Christmas photo.
Paige is on the left and Mickey, who we rescued from BCIN almost 3 years ago
at the Upland Petsmart, is on the right. They are the perfect 2 dogs for our
family and keep us entertained with all of the sweet and funny things they do.
We love them so much. We wish we would've adopted his brother, Pepper, too.
We thought about it after, but he had already been adopted by another family.
Mickey was a very shy and unsure 10 month old back then and has definitely
come out of his shell. We kept his name the same as it was when we
adopted him. We are so lucky to him them both!
Vickie Jones |

fka Trent & Fanny
Formerly Trent Jan. 2012 now "Bentley" and Formerly Fanny April 2012 now "Phani".
Muriel |

fka Pretty Boy Floyd
Sorry it's a bit late, but it's busy season at work. ;-)
Here's a quick pic of Rory.
-Alex Youn |

fka Gracie
Hi Suzanne,
We can't thank you enough for bringing Gracie into our lives.
Gracie is just pure sweetness. She is the smartest dog we've ever met.
We're sending a donation to help other BCs in your care.
Happy Holidays !
Jackie and Paul deJung
Founder's note: Gracie was the very first dog that BCIN adopted in September 2007. |

fka Burley
Dearest Suzanne and Robin,
I realize we have probably missed the deadline - but we finally had a moment
to capture our darling Jedi. This is a very busy time of year for us
- business wise - and I have been trying to find a moment to
update you again - but between exercising the dogs,
horses, work and the holidays - we are a bit behind.
Jedi is...amazing. I never thought I would meet a dog that looked at me
the way my dearly departed Chuckie did. But Jedi is the most amazingly
soulful, loving, loyal dog you could ask for. We ADORE HIM.
I have lots of stories of our training process - which is going very well
- he is incredibly smart. He is a dream dog.
Also - I bought a DNA kit for fun- we have yet to submit it to the lab
- but I can tell you that I am 99.9% sure we have an English Spaniel here.
I would be surprised if he had any Border or herding dog in him at all.
Which makes me smile. He is a totally different mind set than a Border
(other than the need for LOTS of exercise). And like I said that makes
me smile - because even though he has only, at the most, a sliver of Border
in him -he made his way to BCIN - and that means he made his way to us.
And we love him and cannot imagine life without him.
So - hopefully there is room for him in the calendar this year but if not
- we will make next year's edition - in the meantime we are
loving life with our Jedi Ninja Prince.
Wishing you the Happiest of Holiday Seasons.
Thank you for the best gift ever. Our beloved Jedi!
Rebecca Rinot |

fka Patty
Thanks to you and all the BCIN team members for the remarkable work you do!
Here are a couple pictures of Oreo (formerly Patty) adopted by us in March, 2012.
She spends nearly half of her time in Mammoth Lakes with her border collie brother, Dodger,
frolicking in the ponds, streams, and snow. To imagine that she was 24 hours away
from a sudden death in a high-kill shelter before you personally saved her!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Jane Kleinberger |

fka Panda
This is Panda enjoying a California Winter Day.
Amy Disparte |

fka Mavrick
I adopted Maverick this past year, and we opted not to change his name.
He works extremely hard to get his treats, and loves going to the beach!
Merry Christmas from Maverick & Dayanna Jenkins |

fka Ziggy
Attached are some pictures of Ziggy - we adopted him from you guys in August 2011.
He lives a dog's life! I take him to work every day and we take 3-4 mile walks
four or five times a week. He's a great dog. Attached are a few pictures,
one from Runyon Canyon (Hollywood, CA), one from Kenneth
Hahn State Park and one portrait. Thank you!
Nancy Levens |

fka Abigail
Here she is testing out her new outdoor bed/shelter.
(This makes bed #5 available to her!) |

fka Cash
Cash has been a loyal and dedicated member of the family. He is definitely spoiled with attention.
He is able to open any door in the house, checking on all the family day and night.
He is also very
demonstrative and verbal. Brave to a fault, he scared off a burglar in August of this year.
Best regards, Steve Peterson |

fka Hazel
This is a picture of Shasta, a.k.a. Hazel, who we adopted last January. Shasta has settled into life quite
nicely in Camarillo. She enjoys long hikes in the Santa Monica mountains, and spends a lot of time
at the dog park during the week. She fills our lives with joy, acceptance, and unconditional love.
Thank you for the most precious animal, we love her so!
Steve and Karen Valentine |

fka Lucy
Hi Suzanne,
Lucy has been one busy Border Collie. She has passed her AKC CGC test followed by a 1st place
in Rally Novice at an AKC show. Lucy has also passed her nose work Odor Recognition Test (ORT)
so she is ready for a nose work trial. But by far, Lucy is having the most fun with her herding lessons.
Lucy has been taking herding lessons every week for about 3 months now and sleeps really good
after each lesson. Indeed a tired Dog is a good Dog!
All our best to you and thanks again for bringing Lucy into our family.
Gary and Judy |

fka Sheena
Hi Suzanne,
Here's my favorite picture of Cassie (f/k/a Sheena) whom I adopted on May 5, 2013.
She's getting ready for a nap and must have her dolly with her whenever she sleeps.
Cassie has been with me 7 months now and is doing great. She's a favorite
in my apartment building with adopted "aunties" she absolutely loves.
We have our routine, Cassie and I...walk every 3 hours, a couple of hours of playtime
and lots of smooshie time where I rub the pink belly and she kisses my nose.
She is a snuggler and lovepuss. She has a group of
canine friends in the neighborhood, too.
I couldn't be happier with my best friend.
Seasons Greetings to you, all your volunteers and all the other families you created.
Colleen Keane |

fka Amy
Hi Suzanne! Hope all is well with you.
Here is a photo of Rosie and her canine siblings on a hike.
I love how happy she looks.
Amy was adopted from BCIN in October 2012. She is now named Rosie and lives with her two
canine siblings Dewie and Mandy. Rosie and Mandy (the black lab mix) are particularly
close. They all go on long hikes every morning in Griffith Park and love racing
around the house and yard and playing keep away with their toys. Rosie is a
delight. Very high energy, very smart and a bit of a talker. She LOVES
children. Thank you for rescuing her from the shelter!
Kerry |

fka Heidi
Hi we adopted Michi on Jan. 2, 2011 from foster mom Jenice in Whittier. Her name was
Heidi originally, but since we are a Japanese/American family we changed her name to
Michi! We love her sooo much, she has brought so much joy and love to our
family! Happy holidays and may 2014 bring lots of great things to all! |

fka Link
Hi Suzanne. We did keep the name Link, though he often goes by "Linky" or "Linkster" :)
We are grateful for the chance to help rehabilitate such a sweet and amazing dog
and we are incredibly grateful for what you and your organization do.
Happy Holidays!
Patrick |

fka Moss
Both Tess and Moss were adopted from BCIN by Alla D.
fka Gin


fka Sprite &l Paisley
We adopted Macky formally known as Paisley in May of 2010... She is the kindest soul
I have ever come across. We now live in the PNW and she's become quite the adventure
dog. :) She goes snowshoeing, horse back riding, has been back country skiing, but
her hands down favorite is mountain biking. So happy to have her as part of our family!
Then there's my little Mia formally known as Sprite, we adopted her in July of 2010...
Not only has she become my ESA dog she is a natural athlete who does anything and
goes everywhere with me. She is my loyal companion and loves all our activities,
especially when it involves being in the snow.
Tammy and Jake |

fka Dolly
Dolly has been with us for 2 1/2 years. She is a huge lover; every morning
when the alarm rings, she jumps on the bed for some loving. She desperately
tries to be the Alpha dog. Unfortunately for Dolly, my other border collie
will have none of that. It's fun to watch them wrestle and play fight. Dolly
loves to chase balls and could do it all day if someone was up for that. She
especially loves going to Dog Beach and swimming in the ocean to retrieve
a ball. She has been a great addition to the family.
Kristen Toblesky |

fka Slate
Hi Suzanne,
Here's an update on Storm (formerly Slate) adopted from BCIN in May 2012.
Storm has been the highlight of our days every since the moment we brought him home!
He is the happiest dog we've ever had, he spends his days hanging out with us
and our roommates, playing constantly & snuggling in his down time. He
loves to go on runs with us, go to the dog park, and basically go anywhere
that a tennis ball is involved. We take him hiking in Big Bear and even
swimming at the beach. He's the perfect dog and we could never
ask for anything more. He's more than adorable and he fits
perfectly into our little family. We are so thankful we found
him and could not imagine our lives without him.
Thank you so much for bringing him into our life! He fits right in!
Ana Mayer & William Otero |

fka Sarge
Hello Suzanne!
It’s Simone, Cash’s mom (formerly known as Sarge).
Here is the pic I love of him when we were out
Xmas tree shopping. He is doing well.
Thanks again for all your hard work finding
homes for these wonderful animals!
Simone |

fka Alice
Hi Suzanne,
I hope everything is going good with you. David and I wanted to let you know that Maggie (formerly Alice) is doing really well. We love her to death. It took a little bit of time for her to come out of her shell, but now she is doing fantastic. She loves riding in the car and has been to Carmel with us twice already. She spent her first Christmas (last year) with us in Carmel and had a wonderful time. In the year that we have had her, we have taken her to the beach and introduced her to luring. We have a great lady down in San Diego who sets up courses for dogs to run around and chase plastic bags. Maggie goes totally bonkers for this!
Our holiday pictures did not come out well this year. So, I have attached a cute picture of Maggie. I will have some luring photos soon and would love to forward those to you once we have them. Just to let you know how we are doing.
I hope all the dogs are finding great homes. I think after the first of the year, we are going to start looking for a brother for Maggie. We will let you know.
Have a wonderful holiday!
Lots of love -
Lisa, David and Maggie |

fka Chubbs
Hi Suzanne,
Please find attached picture of Gracie. She’s doing really well.
We love her and so happy we could give her the family and home she so
deserves. She hangs around all day with Kerry and I, Giddy
(15 year old cattle dog/jack Russell mix) and 4 cats.
Gracie and Giddy get along well now and her and Clint (one of the four cats)
have become pals as well. I’ve attached an extra picture of the two of them.
She walks daily and has taken off weight and accompanies me daily to fetch the mail.
She’s a good watch dog too and very protective of us! She’s the ultimate
companion always by your side. Thank you for all that you do!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to BCIN! |

fka Cole
Hello Suzanne,
We rescued Lincoln Logs (Cole) at the Norwalk Pet Fair this year.
He has blended right into our family and is friends with our
11 year old Chow and 13 year old Siamese cat. We absolutely
love him and are so pleased to have him with us just in time
for the holidays. Here are a few photos for you to choose from.
Best, Lisa Haukom |
fka Skeeter
Hi Suzanne,
Skeeter and his family wish everyone a Happy
Holidays. Skeeter continues to bring sunshine
into our lives. He loves his walks and frisbee
time in the park. We welcomed a new
granddaughter to the family on November
21. Skeeter loves the baby and watches
over her. He loves playing with our
grandson and his two dogs. He loves
snuggling at night now that it's gotten
colder. We all look forward to the new year.
We want to thank you for all you do
for Border Collies In Need.
Happy Holidays, The McCarthys |

fka Banjo
Attached please find a picture of Bingo Bango Bongo, Bango for short,
(formerly Banjo). She is having the time of her life with her
brother 80 which we also rescued. We look forward to
seeing the card. Thank you for all that you do!
Rick, Norma, Bango and 80 |

fka Tinker
When we adopted our little girl, her name was Tinker.
When we got her home, we changed it to Zoe.
Thank you for all that you do,
Stuart and Janis Simon |
fka Gentle Ben
Here is Ben, we have had him 3 years now.
He still loves to just lay around and be with
us. He also loves to go running and walking.
This year I learned he does have a prey drive.
He killed a rat right in front of me! Thank
goodness he didn't want anything to do with
it after he killed it so I quickly bagged it
up. The squirrels and bunnies are now on
notice! Ben brings us so much happiness.
Thank you for letting us adopt him.
And thank you for all that you do for all
the other dogs. You are angels!!
The Lai Family |

fka Peanut
Peace on earth and good will
towards BCIN and its kind volunteers.
Peggy, f/k/a Peanut, adopted by
Jim Owens and Mark Funk
in July, 2010. |

fka Rosie
Suzanne, attached is a picture of Stella
(formerly Rosie). We have had her
for almost 3 years now and she has come
a very long ways from the scared little
girl she was when we got her, and we
love her very much. Thank you
for all that you guys do
with your organization.
Derek Dufresne |

fka Skidz
Hi Suzanne, hope all is well. Here is Skid! She turned 5 in 2013!
She still has fears with most noises she can't see and of course the
trash truck's throw her over the edge on pick up day. Poor girl. One
shows our club name too, if anyone is interested in Frisbee!
Thanks for all your hard work, Suzanne.
Take care,
Becky & Benny Wong, and Skid
www.d2isc.com |

fka Shep
Hi Suzanne,
I am sending this photo of Shep for the annual BC card. I know it's not very
festive, but this day was one of our great accomplishments - the day we
achieved the USDAA Advanced Agility Dog title. What a long way
my special boy has come. Thank you for all your wonderful work.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Hillary, Derek, and Shep |
fka Will & Shayna
Here is a picture of our two beloved Border Collies...Big Willie and Shadow.
We were blessed enough to have Big Willie (aka Will) join our family in July of this year. He's a senior dog but with the spirit of a young dog. He joins Shadow (aka Shayna) who we have had now for four years. We are so happy to have both of them along with our other dog Lambeau. The three of them bring tons of happiness to our home.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks for all the wonderful work you all do!!!
Will and Terry Wagner |

fka Kiki
She came to us as Kiki. Now she is Honey.
Now she has a home and a forever family.
Merry Christmas from the Pinnekers in Poway, CA. |
fka Liberty
Hi Suzanne, I hope you are doing well.
I am happy to report that Dodge ( formally known as Liberty ) is becoming a fine border collie. We haven't had the chance to get him into some real obedience training, but he is adjusting and learning the do's and more importantly the don'ts at our place. He is into his official career of " pygmy goat wrangler " and will watch them and keep them circled and grouped pretty much all day. I'm looking forward to some solid basic training and then maybe some working dog classes where maybe we can set him up with a few herding commands. He looks happy and is always playful and spunky yet very into his JOB. I managed one pic with Dodge and a reindeer hat.
Thanks for everything and have a great Christmas and an awesome New Year !
Christian Hernandez |

fka Humperdink
Hello! Humperdink is doing great! He has adjusted to living with us so well.
We are so happy to have him in our family :)
Love, The Barretts |

fka Rocco
Dear Suzanne,
I hope this email finds you well. I know I missed the deadline,
but I wanted to send you two pics of Sundae our dog we adopted
from you back in July 2010. His name used to be Rocco.
Now it is Sundae. I wish you the best. Happy Holiday.
Ariella Reisner and family |

fka Cash
Hi Suzanne –
Attached is a picture of Cade. When I adopted him – his name was Cash.
He has become a wonderful addition to our family! He is great company
for my older Border Collie – Caymus. I have included one picture of
them together as well. Cade’s picture is from Huntington Beach – Dog
Beach on Thanksgiving morning. The three of us got up early and went
down to the beach. He had a grand day meeting all of the dogs, running
to his heart’s content and – as you can see – just smiling at everyone.
It was a very special day.
Thank you so much for rescuing Cade (Cash) and allowing him to be a part
of our lives. On behalf of Caymus, and myself, we thank you!
Happy Holidays
Debbie L. Owen |

fka Fina
Happy Holidays Suzanne! Please find holiday pictures of Audrey (Fina) attached!
Craig, Jaclyn, and Audrey |

fka Bandyt
Hi Suzanne:
We rescued Bandyt by that name. But he is now Bandit. We adopted him when he was about 8.
He loves to ride in the car, have constant petting, loves to wrestle with his stuffed
animals and napping on the leather sofa. Plus he has a young girlfriend less than 2
years up the street- Misty the Border Collie. He doesn't so much bother with other
dogs but he runs up the street to Misty 's house. Life is good for Mr. Bandit!
Bandit is doing well and loves just hanging out with his humans.
He is a good boy. Here is a photo of him playing with his Santa toy.
Steve and Barbara Conlan |

fka Lass, with Tippy
Here are pictures of our two beautiful girls. Lass (whom we got from you)
is doing great. Tippy (was adopted elsewhere) and she doing well, also.
Sorry the pics are not holiday related. Just thought
you'd like to see how well they are doing.
Jeff and Patti Leeds |

fka Taffy & Buck
Hello Suzanne!
Wishing you a great holiday season!
Here is a holiday picture of Ginger (formerly Taffy) and Buck.
They are the best of friends and love each other to pieces!
Kelly & Sheldon Sommer |

fka Karma
We adopted Karma in April of 2012. His name is now Max, he's the border collie
on the right. Max is 4 years old, super sweet, affectionate, loyal, playful,
and excellent with a Frisbee. He loves the water, and is the stabilizing
force and fearless best friend of our shepherd mix (on the left).
Adopting Max from BCIN changed our lives. He's a true member
of the family and it wouldn't be complete without him.
Rayna & Travis Humpherys |
fka Skye
Hi Suzanne,
I missed the deadline last year and wanted
to be sure to send a photo of Lucy this year.
Happy Holidays and the best in 2014.
Lucy (aka Skye), BC/Aussie mix, continues
to be a real gem. She is a great companion
to my 92 y.o. mother, our 4 rescue cats,
(she knows by each one's name), our latest
rescue, a 2 yr old terrier mix, my husband and me.
Many thanks to all the BCIN volunteers
for the wonderful work you do.
Karen Wakimoto |
fka Little Big Man
Hi Suzanne,
Attached are two pics of our rescued border
collie/corgi mix whose name is now Banjo.
We rescued him in 2007 when he was
known as Little Big Man. He is pictured
with our son, daughter and our rescued
cat, Gizmo. Banjo is a well-loved
member of our family and we're so
thankful of the good work of BCIN.
Thank you!
Monica Berry |

fka Brynne
Hello Suzanne,
Here are a few pictures of Brynne. We kept her original name that the rescue gave
her. I adopted her in April 2011. She is doing ok. She is medicated twice daily
for her epilepsy, she has about 1 or more seizures a week, other than that we
try to keep her life as pleasant and stress free as possible.
She's a great dog and we love her very much!
May your Holidays be full of Blessings!
Stacey McKinley |

fka Hobie
I really hope it's not too late. I've been trying to get a decent shot of us,
but my dogs hate the camera, especially the black one. :)
I adopted Hobie (on the left) 3 years ago. I never thought of changing his name. It really fits him.
Although he has some aggression issues with certain other dogs, he's very loyal and sweet with people, and always full of playful energy. He's ball obsessed (he's staring at it in the picture), and super athletic. He makes a great companion for my other dog, Maya, who's 7, and I've had since she was a puppy. I love both of them so much and I can't imagine my life without them!
Happy holidays!
Luis Echeverria |
fka Duncan
Hi Suzanne!
I have Duncan (I kept his name) and he
is doing great! He is happy and healthy.
His favorite activities are going to the
dog park to play with his friends (and
herd them!) and going to the beach! He
has also learned how to play fetch and
enjoys chasing the tennis ball or his
Frisbee in the backyard. He is getting
ready to go on his first road trip home
with me to AZ for Christmas where he will
meet my family's collie! He loves car rides
and always gets excited to go somewhere
so I'm looking forward to our trip together :)
Since I have adopted him he has really come
out of his shell. He is really energetic and
fun! He is very smart and has mastered several
commands and tricks. As I'm sure all the
volunteers know, he is a love bug and will
cuddle at any opportunity which is my favorite
thing about him. Such a sweetheart.
Caroline |

fka Nino
Hi Suzanne,
This are pictures of Nino, he is very sweet. I don’t have holiday pictures yet.
Happy Mom, Lucia |

fka Bandyt
Hi Suzanne:
Bandit is doing well and loves just hanging out with his humans.
He is a good boy. Here is a photo of him playing with his Santa toy.
Steve and Barbara Conlan |
fka Hannah
Merry Christmas Suzanne!
Here is our much loved Skye (Hannah)
next to our neighbor's Christmas display.
These neighbors are Skye's second "mom" & "dad" who take loving care of
her when we go on a vacation and she cannot join us. Skye is probably
the most gentle dog ever and a very unusual border collie as she does
not play with toys, isn't interested in balls and seems quite content
being a couch potato. She will get energetic if it involves receiving
attention from someone she knows and loves, though. She will chase
the wild rabbits in our yard but never catches one. We are so
blessed to have her and can't thank you enough
for bringing her into our lives.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dave & Terry Duncan |

fka Sienna
Hi Suzanne,
Here is a picture of Sienna, our dog adopted 2 years ago.
She was named "Sienna" by your organization and we just
kept it. She is a wonderful, sweet dog, and we all
love her. Happy Holidays!
Lynn & Matt Duda |
fka Ryan
Attached is a Christmas photo of our beloved Kuma, formerly Ryan. He is sweet and gentle, but still a bit timid. Since we adopted him in March, he has come out of his shell, and has learned to play frisbee and does a little fetching. He has a strong grasp of his basic obedience...sit, down, sit pretty, stay, leave it, bed, dead, roll over, etc. He walks very well on leash, and we are working on building his vocabulary for his various toys.
Kuma continues to bring us much joy, and he makes us laugh every day. He is a very important member of not only our family, but our extended family as well. He brings joy to grandparents, nieces, and everyone in between. He is well loved.
Merry Christmas,
Kristian and Jin Pedregon
fka Tallow
Raina (Tallow ) is doing great.
She fit right in with her new
sister Sawyer and is great
with my 3 cats. She is very
sweet and well mannered. She
follows me everywhere and is a joy.
Thank you, Wendy Simpson |

fka Bullseye
Happy Holidays!
We adopted Bullseye in September of 2010. "Bully" is doing wonderful, he's had his new
little sister Rigby (who we got at a shelter last summer) for a year and a half now. What a great idea
that was, Rigby has taught Bully how to live a little more on the wild and crazy side of life. She
showed him how to play with toys(and mean it) and how it's fun to wrestle first thing in the
morning. He gets plenty of exercise chasing her around now. He's much better at all
his tricks, and obedience...a little competition in the house worked wonders for his
self confidence. Best of all she does all the dirty work that he's too polite
to do, like wake us up to go outside, or bug us for a walk or dinner.
It's been a fun year for us to watch these two become
the best buddies that they are now.
Thank you again BCIN, without you we wouldn't have our Bullseye,
and life wouldn't be the same. Keep doing what you do, it's really a
wonderful thing. Happy Holidays, and here's to rescuing lots of dogs in 2014!
Peace, Love, and Sloppy Dog Kisses!
Scott, Julie, Bullseye & Rigby
PS - This is our "holiday photo" it was taken last week,
but this is what winter in So Cal looks like! |
fka Ren
Hi Suzanne!
One week later and he has settled in like he was meant to be with us!
First, he is one of the most tolerant and overall chilled out herding dogs I have ever come across. Nothing bothers him, (well except the squirrels in the park.) We've tugged and tickled and teased him, nothing but a little tail wag. He loves to cuddle! Once he figured that out a few days ago, he is all for us coming down to floor to hang with him.
Second, he wasn't quiet getting his name so we gave it a few days and then tried a potential new name. He loves it, so I am happy to introduce you to...."Catch!" He took to it immediately!
Third, he is very mindful and considerate, even though we still have puppy behavior. Kenneling when we both leave the flat hasn't been an issue, and we've only had two accidents in the house (our fault.) He gets lots of walks, rides wonderfully in the car, likes the food ball and his new toys, and has been making friends at the dog park. Everyone in Long Beach cannot compliment his looks or sparky attitude enough!
He is blooming into a smart little charmer. Now that he is settled in we are hoping to get into a herding class this week to see how he does with sheep. Otherwise we'll be getting into agility after a manners class.
Grant, Catch and I are a happy little family. We couldn't be more happy to have him in our family.
Thank you again Suzanne!
Renee |

fka Garth
Happy Holidays from Joe and Bandit. |

fka Bo
Up in Mammoth - this is Bear's haven!!! Bear is so in love with my son!!!!
Bear is looking over Duck Lake in Mammoth! Just a sweetie pie
and his little personality continues to blossom.
Pauline Casbon |

fka Kramer
Hi Suzanne:
In response to your request, attached are photos of Corky with his siblings playing in the snow.
Brigette Loden |
fka Caitlan
Hello Suzanne,
Attached are pictures of Molly
(formerly known as Caitlin). We adopted
her this February, and she is a constant
source of joy and energy in our home. She
loves to run, play Frisbee, and is very
social with other dogs and people.
Thus, the dog beach and dog park are
two of her favorite places to be.
Hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we do!
-The Turners |

fka Dino
I wanted to let you know how the wonderful Dino is doing. He is fitting in quite well at his new house. He has tons of toys to keep him busy during the day, as well as at night. I take him for a walk in the morning when we wake up and then again in the evening when I get home. He is doing very well on the leash and he gets excited now every time I grab the leash. He still needs some work riding in the car, but he is definitely making progress. Dino is the perfect dog for me! Thanks again for helping me out with everything!
Randall & Dino |
fka Lucky Pup
Happy Holidays BCIN,
Thanks for the great work that you do.
This is Brodie, formerly Lucky Pup,
from Valerie down in Alpine. He is
a smart and loyal part of our family.
We love him a lot.
Thanks, Rich Ruelas |

fka Millie
Millie and her BFF.
Nika Nedrow |
fka Tessa
Season Greetings from Tessa.
Jenice Gilliland |

fka Gemma
Hi Suzanne,
I've attached a few photos of Phoebe, who is settling in beautifully after
her first month with us. She's a very sweet, affectionate girl. She enjoys
walking around the neighborhood with us every morning and evening, and LOVES
working out food puzzles. Phoebe has braved the streets of old town Pasadena
and the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade, where she behaves so well that she
is welcome in the stores (her personal favorite is REI). We take her with us
to explore new places whenever possible. She's a wonderful addition to our
family, and we feel so lucky to have her! Thanks for all you and the rest
of the volunteers do to help these amazing dogs.
Lisa Spencer & Chris Mattia |
fka Jerry
Hi Suzanne,
This is Jerry, he's been such a joy. I've had dogs
my whole life. He's been the best mannered dog
we've ever had. He lives with our family that
includes 2 male college students (and all their
friends) Jerry gets tons of love and attention.
His favorite thing to do is to hang out with his
best bud, (my husband) and go to our business
and greet all of our customers. Our saying in
our house is "everybody loves Jerry".
Thanks for everything you do for this wonderful breed.
Pattie Chavez |

fka Andy
Was named Andy and is now Logan. Loves frisbee and lounging in the grass.
This is his first Christmas and he is loving it so far.
~David Mays |

fka Gwyn
I'm working on getting you a holiday photo of Shelby (AKA: Gwen).
We have had her now 1 1/2 years, and she is my "love". She is very
routine oriented, she loves to run, she loves hugs and kisses, she has
her doggy chatting moments with her different tones of sighs (I will talk
to her and tell her I love her or say who's my baby, she sighs, so I will
sigh and she will sigh back) it's actually really funny. I didn't think
she was going to be a loving as she is. She is amazing
and oh so smart. She's my baby.
Brittany Lovell |
fka Jane
Hi all! Here's Jane with Piper.
Susan Robinson |

fka Makenna
Don’t have a holiday themed photo. Sorry. Kenna ( formerly Makenna) is doing well
and is a great watch dog and my best friend. She is still a skitso, but that’s
what makes her special. She still is shy of kids, plastic bags and sticks. Here
is Kenna a few months ago. She is in her favorite chair in the living room.
Otherwise, Kenna is happy and has a great home, thanks to you guys.
Our spare bedroom is Kenna’s bed at night. She comes in our bed for a few minutes
but prefers her own private bed. Sometimes she will bring a tennis ball to our
bed at night and play with it for a while, never letting us get a hold of it.
I love this dog. she is so smart. We go for a mile to 2 mile walk everyday
unless it’s raining (she hates water) . She leads me on the walk. I don’t
tell her where to go or when it’s time to go home, she just knows and
heads for home when she is ready. this is as it has been from day
one, I never ever told her where to go.
Our daily routine consists of Kenna coming in our bedroom around 6 AM and
whining for us to get up. My wife gets up and Kenna gets in bed with me
and we snuggle for a few minutes. Then she wants breakfast bones (the
small flavored milk bones). I place them on the kit. base cabinet door
(she wont take them from my hand). This goes on for about 12 milk bones.
My wife goes off to work and I get ready for the "walk". I place the
leash on the floor and tell her to help "daddy" which she does by
holding up her left foot . I place the leash on her left foot and
tell her to give me the other foot which she does. Then I tell
her to go to the back door or to the front door and she knows
which is which. We walk wherever she wants to walk (she picks
a different route every day) and after about a mile or so she
decides to go home. I do not direct her at all. She just knows.
I wish I could send you lots of money to support your efforts
to find homes for BCs In Need but I just am not able.
Keep up the good work and Kenna says hi.
Clif Perry

fka Clyde
Here’s a pic of Clyde last year! Obviously thrilled about Xmas ;p
Thanks again,
Travis Dahl

fka Cowgirl
Dear Suzanne and Friends:
Merry Christmas! Gracie (formerly Cowgirl and on the right in the photo)
joined our family in December 2007. A couple of years later, she was
joined by another rescue-her brother Tucker. Gracie took to Tucker
immediately and “mothered” him. She adores him and lets him get
away with pretty much anything. Gracie has grown into a
wonderful, well-behaved family member. She is as
healthy as ever and both dogs absolutely love
their daily walks and love to hike with us.
Tucker really loves to ride in the car!
Gracie is quite the hunter and spends
time daily searching the yard for
intruders (i.e. the random squirrel, lizard, etc.)
We appreciate the work that you do-rescuing and saving the lives of these wonderful animals.
Merry Christmas from the Coopers, Lee, Bridget, Gracie, Tucker and Jerry (the rescued cat)