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Alice is a lovely 2-3 year old female. She is a traditionally marked black and white Border Collie with prick ears. She has a very soft and silky semi rough coat, which was just recently groomed. She is on the smaller side and weighs about 38 lbs.
Alice would be best suited in a home with older, teenage kids, as she has had some resource guarding issues with toys. She has demonstrated to be mildly possessive with her toys, has growled a couple of times, but gave them up without aggression. This was noted by shelter personnel, but she has not acted this way with her foster mom. So, to be on the safe side so as not to injure the little ones by accident, that is why we are recommending a home with older children. However, there are no noted issues with resource guarding with her food.
Alice comes to life when you bring out the toy box. She enjoys a good game of tug-of-war and will play fetch for as long as you are willing to throw the ball. She is very playful and will self entertain with her toys. She is very attentive and her energy level is medium to medium high. She is calm at first, but then starts to ramp up in energy. Alice is typical of her breed as she requires a previous BC and dog savvy home who is committed to giving her the daily mental and physical associated with herding breeds. She would make a great walking, hiking, or running partner.
Although Alice is loving and she adores being petted, she is somewhat independent. She has not been evaluated with cats or other small animals. Alice walks nicely on a leash, however, it appears she needs some obedience training as she does not seem to know basic commands. Alice will crate under protest, so we are still working on crate training her. She rides well in a car without the crate, but sometimes she is motion sensitive when other cars pass. Due to this, she should be restrained in the car. She appears to be socialized with other dogs.
Alice is not for the first time BC owner. If you are a BC enthusiast and understand the quirkiness of this breed, Alice would make a fine canine companion. Alice has so much to offer, and under the right tutelage, she will blossom into an even nicer dog than she is already is. |