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Update 01/24/2015:
Christy is now being fostered in the Los Angeles area.
We now know that Christy gets along with my cat and has tried to play with him. She has not once chased or growled at him. She walks beautifully on the leash, but does seem to be reluctant to urinate when she is leashed. I am reinforcing her with treats and praise when she does relieve herself with a leash on. After a long walk, I put her in the backyard for her to finish her business--and she does. I'm working on her potty manners inside, as she is not completely housebroken. She is scared of children; her hind legs shake and she tried to walk the opposite way when we were walking near an elementary school. I will be visiting the school again to try to desensitize her. I haven't heard her bark once. She can protest when in her crate and will cry and howl, but will stop. She will chew soft textured items, so it is advisable to put away anything and everything that she can get a hold of. She is learning not to jump up on you.

Christy, Misty and Sweet Pea are all 6 month old female Border Collie mix pups. They all have very sweet dispositions. We are not sure what they are mixed with but the owner told us that she has the Mom and she is a Border Collie. She thought Dad was an Aussie but we doubt it. They came out of the shelter in Parker, AZ where the owner had turned them in when they were approximately 3 months old. They spent the next 2 months in that shelter before BCIN was contacted about them because they were out of time. Their Foster Mom and Dad drove to Yuma from Alpine, CA to meet the Director of the La Paz County Shelter to pick them up.
They have been in their Foster Home for a month now making sure they were healthy and learning about their personalities, etc. They are ready to go into their forever homes. They are very bonded with each other but will do fine by themselves or with another dog in the household. Christy, Misty and Sweet Pea all love to play with other dogs and get along with everyone, dogs and humans. They have not been tested on cats but the belief is that they would rather play with them than harm them. They spend a lot of time with a 4 month old BC puppy and just love her! They are all total water dogs, getting in the kiddie pools and lying down to cool off after playing. They will chase a ball but need to learn what to do with it after they get it. You can often see them running around with a toy and trying to get the rest of the pack to chase them. They are pretty good about entertaining themselves.
These girls will need some constructive training because for the first 5 months of their lives they had none. They are improving day by day on walking on the leash and sitting. They also come to you when called in a confined area only. They are not treat motivated but thrive on attention. Although they sleep inside, they have access to a dog door during the night and they use it. Please consider give any one of these girls a forever home.
Christy, Misty and Sweet Pea are all being fostered in East San Diego County.
If you are interested in meeting our dogs, please go on line and fill out an adoption application. We require a pre-approved application to be on file before any meet and greets are scheduled. The electronic application can be found on our website at www.bordercolliesinneed.org/border_collie_rescue_and_adoptions/adoption_application.html