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Dirk is a 1-year-old Australian Shepherd mix. A handsome sable and white guy with a split face, he is not my typical bail, but he was campaigned to me by shelter staff. A very sweet boy that was slated for euthanasia, not because there is anything wrong with him, but they were out of room. Well, he did have an upper respiratory infection. Dirk came from a very high volume, high kill shelter.
I question if Dirk was really a year old. He can be so puppy like in his actions. He has started to blossom in foster care and is gaining confidence and making his place in the pack. He is learning about leash and that will take some more work. He obviously knew nothing about that prior to coming into rescue. He is very sweet with us and we doubt he would hurt a fly.
Check back for updates on Dirk's progress and we work with him and get to know this cutie better.