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Dolly is a cute as a button 18 month-old female semi rough coated border collie mix. She is mostly black and white, however, technically she is classified as a tri-colored since she has a brown eyebrow and a bit of brown on the side of one of her cheeks. Dolly is also a split faced border collie with some mottling.
Dolly was found in the Mojave Desert by some good Samaritans who work near the Ivanpah Solar Project not far from Primm. A few hundred feet away was a coyote stalking her, so this girl was super lucky that she was not attacked and killed! Dolly had no collar and she was not recognized by any of the land owners in the area. She was taken home by one of the people who found her. Since she had a good temperament, a day later they took her on a camping trip with them to Big Bear. They said she did really well and she slept in a crate in their van at night. They commented that all she wanted to do was to be right next to them. They have 3 small children, 7, 5, and 3 and she was great with them. She would bark at the bikes going by at the campground. After the legal wait, Dolly was relinquished to BCIN when her owners could not be found. Most likely, she was dumped in the desert to fend for herself.
Dolly does get along with other dogs and loves to play fetch. However, her finders said she got along well with their Aussies but not their Min Pin. They were not sure of the reason, so it is best that she is adopted into a home without small animals or felines. She would like nothing more than to be with her human and can be a bit vocal when she wants your attention. Dolly is on the smaller side, and weighs in at about 30 lbs. While at her finder’s home, she did run around free outside, as they did not have a fence. Dolly is a bit timid upon meeting you but warms up to you very quickly. She does not mind being crated at night and she has had no potty accidents in her crate. She walks on a leash fairly well, and is fine in the car. Her energy level is medium and she could be placed as an only dog. She is looking for a person to bond with and would make a great addition to your family.