Estella is a 3 year-old female tri-colored semi rough coated purebred Border Collie. Estella was an owner surrender to rescue and has been a well cared for and a well loved canine member of her former family. She has beautiful house manners and is obedience trained. She is crate trained, walks nicely on a leash, and rides very well in a car. She is also well socialized with other dogs from young to old, submissive to dominant. She would be best suited in a home with another dog, especially another BC.
Estella is so typical of this breed, as she's beautiful, athletic, smart, loyal, wants to please her human. Most of all, she wants a job to do. Estella has some pent up energy and would be best adopted in an active home with an avid hiker or runner where she could release some of her energy. She loves to play catch and is quite toy motivated, so she would be also be a good prospect for an amateur dog sports home. She epitomizes the saying "a tired Border Collie is a happy Border Collie". A 45 minute walk or going to the dog park would be a warm up for this girl. After proper exercise, Estella has an off button and will settle down right next to you.
In addition to requiring physical activity, she has some obsessive compulsive behavior or OCD. OCD can be categorized from mild to severe, however, Estella's OCD is on the lower end of the spectrum. When she first came to us, her previous owner cited that she would repetitively run tracks in the backyard and around the room table. This is a sign of boredom and is easily corrected by a person who knows how to channel this behavior with positive reinforcement. Providing consistent daily physical and mental stimulation is a vital part of treating compulsive behaviors. Exercising the mind and body will enrich a dog's life, decrease stress, and provide appropriate outlets for normal dog behaviors. It is also important not to overstimulate a dog with compulsive behavior, as this does not allow for them to settle down, and only escalates the behavior.
Estella has been tested on cattle and although a little intimidating for her, she eventually did lock on and tried to herd and turn. Based upon this experience, she would do better on sheep, especially with her slight build. She also may be a good candidate for localized search and rescue.
Estella is not for the first time or casual BC owner. She would make the perfect Border Collie for the BC aficionado who thoroughly understands this breed and what makes them tick, quirks and all. Please do not apply for Estella if you don't have lots of previous Border Collie experience and is not committed to working with Estella to manage her compulsive behavior.
If you are interested in meeting our dogs, please go on line and fill out an adoption application. We require a pre-approved application to be on file before any meet and greets are scheduled. The electronic application can be found on our website at http://www.bordercolliesinneed.org/border_collie_rescue_and_adoptions/adoption_application.html
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