Hi, I am Grateful Ginger, a 2-year-old border collie that is mixed with spaniel. It is so great I am a mix because I have an “off button” and I'm not intensely driven to work. I learn very fast, so please be smarter than I am and provide me with consistent and fair leadership. I need a dog savvy person who will help me blossom into an awesome dog. I crate well, but the first time I will beg to just be let out. Just be patient and don't give into my sincere adorable request to be with you.
My house manners are excellent and when I am doing my business in the yard, I will find one favorite place. You don't have to go searching throughout the yard.
I am learning to walk on leash and if you give me consistent, clear, and fair direction, I will pick it up quickly. Two things that I am getting help with are:
- Being around other dogs. The great news is that I am making wonderful strides and learning to play with them. I am reactive when I am on a leash when I see other dogs. I exhibit some of the traits of a DINOS (Dog In Need of Space, http://dogsinneedofspace.com/ ).
- Learning that I can communicate with you with out using my mouth on your hands. I didn't learn this as a puppy.
Grooming is something I really like. Please brush me often so I don't get matted and my beautiful fur will all grow back. I'd appreciate having my teeth brushed too. I like food, as I am a bit of a chow hound, so I should have what is called a slow down bowl.
So far, I haven't shown any desire towards chasing a ball. I do like to carry my stuffed toy around and won't tear it up. I have so much happy energy and just love to run around the yard and exclaim how awesome it is to smell all the plants and chase out the squirrels. I do not like cats, so please don't adopt me if you have cats.
I think that it would be ideal to have a home that will invest the time in me and give me the exercise, love and attention I need. I am going to need positive reinforcement with one on one training so that I am not distracted by other dogs. It is important to make me mind my commands as I can sometimes be stubborn and do not want to follow through with the command. Although I like children, I think I would prefer a quieter environment. I would really appreciate getting good obedience training with someone who is experienced working with smart dogs.
If you are interested in meeting our dogs, please go on line and fill out an adoption application. We require a pre-approved application to be on file before any meet and greets are scheduled. The electronic application can be found on our website at http://www.bordercolliesinneed.org/border_collie_rescue_and_adoptions/adoption_application.html
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