May 13, 2011
Border Collies In Need is sending this urgent plea out for donations to help offset veterinary costs for four dogs who recently entered our program. In the last 6 weeks, BCIN has spent close to $8,000 on 3 of our foster dogs, only to find out that a new dog who has just entered our program (Jersey) needs Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) surgery. The doctor recommends the surgery be performed sooner rather than later as Jersey is in quite a bit of pain. The price of that surgery is $2,200. Thanks to the generosity of kind folks like you, these four dogs in our program now have a “new leash on life”: |
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Skeeter is a darling purebred 6-7 month old pup who was rushed to the ER veterinarian when he collapsed in his foster home the day after being rescued from a high kill shelter in Bakersfield . He was diagnosed with a severe case of Parvo virus. Skeeter spent the next 9 days in the ER hospital, and recovered fully. He is now back to being a normal and playful pup. Skeeter is ready for his forever home and will be listed soon for adoption on our website. |
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Patch is a happy-go-lucky 5-6 month old BC/Aussie mixed pup who contracted double pneumonia. For the last month his health has been wait and see. There were good days only to be followed by bleak days when he would crash. A multitude of antibiotics were used and most would work on him for a short period of time and then he would take a turn for the worse. The vet decided to bring out the“heavy guns” of the antibiotic family, which finally did the trick, along with nebulizers and antibiotic breathing treatments. Finally, Patch's prognosis for a full recovery is excellent, however, he is still undergoing some minor treatment. |
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Minnie is a cute as a button 1 year old BC/ Mini Aussie mix who came into our program pregnant and with double pneumonia. The very antibiotic drug that would save her life caused her to go into pre-mature labor and she had to undergo an emergency C-section. Sadly, her pups did not survive. Minnie is still in the hospital recovering and hopefully she will be able to come home early next week. |
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Jersey is a purebred 5 year old Border Collie who entered our program already lame. After taking her to the vet, her X-Rays revealed that she has a ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) that requires Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) surgery. The anterior cruciate ligament in the knee is one of two ligaments that prevents the ends of the femur and tibia from moving back and forth across each other.
In the TPLO procedure, a portion of the tibia is cut, moved, and reattached to a different portion of the tibia using plates and screws. By changing the conformation of the tibia, the joint is stabilized. This is a technically difficult surgery but it has shown to produce excellent results and Jersey’s prognosis is a very good one with no expected lasting side effects. |
BCIN is a federally recognized 501c3 nonprofit charity, and as such, all donations are tax deductible. BCIN is comprised of an entirely unpaid volunteer staff, therefore, all donations are 100% spent for the benefit of the border collies in our rescue program. If you would like to help us, please consider making a tax deductible donation here, or you can send your donation to:
Border Collies In Need
Attn: Emergency Medical Fund
1621 W. 25th Street, #104
San Pedro, CA 90732
Border Collies In Need thanks you for supporting the rescue efforts to which we have dedicated our lives in making a difference to end dog homelessness and suffering.
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