Rio is a stunning 7 yr-old rough coated, traditionally marked BC. He is a petite boy, weighing only about 35 pounds.
Rio, a lovely imp of a dog, came into rescue horribly scared of both people and dogs. He preferred cowering in the corner of the garage to interacting with anyone. We don't know his history, but based on his coat condition and demeanor, it's quite possible this boy came from a neglectful or abusive situation. Throughout the last few weeks in foster care, though, he started to slowly come out of his shell, and is not so afraid anymore. He began to play with toys, and mustered the courage to sniff his foster brother and sister. He is a very gentle soul, with no fear aggression, but was still very timid. For instance, he is frightened by parrots and chinchillas.
Rio has really come a long way since he left the shelter and came into our program. While he still likes to spend a tremendous amount of time under the bed, he is very open to other types of activities. He seems to have really recovered from his fear of being hit. He was always good with men, but it is our belief that he was physical abused by a woman. And perhaps in a loud household as he was real jumpy at quick movements/noises. He loves to chase around the backyard with the other dogs and play hide and go seek. I have not heard him bark ever. If you take away his access to the room with his under-the-bed hiding place, he is very comfortable being with the rest of the pack. His foster mom sometimes ties him to her via leash and he is very good with that, and up for running around the house with her. He's a good little kiss-giver now.
As you can see Rio is a true rough coat, not something we get often. His long hair and small statue makes you wonder if he is part Sheltie, but his structure says pure Border Collie. Although he looks bigger, he is tiny underneath all that fur. He likes to be brushed and, with a visit to a good groomer, would look like a show dog.
Rio is not destructive to the house at all, but will chew on your shoes, so be careful to substitute with a chew toy. He has been known to remove a few clothing items from a drawer or two, but doesn't do any harm to them – but shoes, watch out! Rio would make an excellent apartment or condo dog. He's funny because he seems so simple, yet you can tell he's got a lot going on in his pretty little head. This dog will take to so many things and I believe he has great potential. He seems fine with kids, I'm guessing he's also fine with cats and small animals. When Oliver (another foster) was here, they became great play buddies.
An ideal home for Rio would be a quiet place where someone would be willing to continue working on his socialization. With a little love in his life, this gentle soul, who has not a mean bone in his body, can finally have the contentment of a place to call home.
Rio is currently fostered in North Torrance, California.