Rest in Power, Shelly Pritt-Nichols.
Border Collies In Need and the animal welfare community lost a great friend and advocate on January 15, 2023.
Long, long ago, Shelly walked into a Border Collies in Need adoption event at PetSmart to meet a dog named Bandit. There was no doubt that this was love at first sight for Shelly and Bandit. The adoption was completed and a beautiful volunteer relationship was born. Bandit, turns out, was the luckiest participant of the whole day. Fortunately for BCIN, Shelly started coming to adoption events to volunteer, near and far and just made the whole experience more fun and relaxed. It was a joy watching her talk with the potential adopters, handle the dogs, and become a loved member of the BCIN team. She fostered, adopted, helped with the BCIN Golf Tournaments, and participated in fundraising for Strut Your Mutt. There was never a time when help was needed that Shelly wasn’t already in the car ready to go. Afterall, it was always about the dog's welfare, and it did not matter which rescue she helped in her quest to save one more dog.
All of her friends at BCIN send love and their warmest condolences to Alan, Taryn and her beloved dog family. We are grateful to have known and loved Shelly and extend a special thank you to Alan, whom, is just as responsible for all of the Border Collies that found their forever homes as a result of Shelly’s efforts.
We shall miss her and are comforted that she was surrounded with loved ones when she left for her eternal home surrounded by all off those we have loved and lost.
Here's to Shelly's journey as she transitioned from this earth performing her final act of rescue and reward. Au Revoir dear friend...until we meet again at the Rescuer's Rainbow Bridge.
Tiny Bear Hooper
May 11, 2010 to September 17, 2023
Our Tiny Bear, with the most beautiful spirit and heart, the biggest personality, raised by 3 Border Collies, and the mightiest of try, went to the Rainbow Bridge after a short fight against cancer.
Our hearts are shattered, the house is too quiet, Tiny isn’t in all the familiar places these days, but we know he is with his friends whom he adores and who love him, Rocky, Tasha, Gracie and our sweetest friend, Shelly-Pritt Nichols who has got this until we get there.
Thank you, Tiny Bear, for being my fiercest protector, Larry’s best little buddy and the best entertainment and friend to Rocky, Tasha and Gracie. You will always be in our hearts and on our minds, your star is forever hitched to our wagon, little one.
We send so much love upstairs, but, we are missing you… so much… and will never ever forget you.
You taught us so much and filled our lives with so much fun, be well and play nice with Rocky, until we can hold you again, T Bear.
Loving You, Sue & Larry |
Tasha Hooper
December 25, 2006 - July 3, 2023
As soon as your paws hit our grass, you ran like the wind, loved the blue sky, fresh air, sun and rain and all things outdoors. I remember a day it poured rain so hard, we outside sweeping the water off the patio to keep it out of the back door, and there you were, in your little house that had set sail floating across the patio, standing, smiling, and barking like it was the best day ever. Well, as fun as the day you and Rocky brought the running hose and spinkler into the living room. Somehow, you were always right here right at the perfect moment, you just knew. Well, getting old is hard, my sweet girlfriend. At 17 years and 7 months, when the struggle was too much, I just know as soon as your paws hit the Rainbow Bridge, you ran like the wind to Rocky and Gracie and the others we've loved and lost and were free once again.
I am so happy for you, Tasha. But we are missing you so much from here.
Love is forever and Always.
Feb 05, 2007 - Nov 15, 2022
With much sadness Daisy has made her way over the Rainbow Bridge. I will miss my best girlfriend of 16 yrs. and be forever thankful to BCIN for allowing me her love and affection. My days will be lonely, and would welcome prayers.
I told Daisy my loan was up, and God wanted her home. I told her how much I loved her a millions times over, but believe it or not God loves you even more and will care for you until he calls me home too.
Through her we’ve met a lot of wonderful people like you guys, and have traveled the U.S. in our 5th wheel. It was a great run and she’ll be alive in my heart always.
X O Diane
Dear Diane,
Thank you for sharing Daisy as BCIN's Official Ambassador ~ BCIN Dogs Day of Summer Golf Tournament. We share many fond memories as Daisy and you made the round in the golf cart meeting the golfers.
From the moment you walked into our door, a beautiful little 5 month old puppy,
you brought joy to every person and creature that you ever met.
Gracie, Tasha and Tiny adored you. You grew up so incredibly handsome and
full of love, we are so proud that you were part of our family. Even thru your
most challenging days, you always came back strong and enjoying your life.
Our goal was that you had a perfect day, every single day.
When we lost Gracie, we were all broken, we were so worried about you,
but we should have known that you already knew it was just goodbye for now.
When that day came and we were told nothing we could do would change things
and we could no longer fix it, we were beyond devastated. We only had you for
2 more precious weeks.
We promised you we’d be alright and we’d take care of Tasha and Tiny.
We told you to run and find Gracie and I just know you did and we’d
see you both again one day.
But, Rocky, I miss your face and that little spot on your foot and the way
you loved me back. We couldn’t have loved you more.
You are so sadly missed and loved forever.
October 23, 2007 – September 8, 2020 |
I know that all our dogs are always the best you have ever had, but Shep was an absolute gem of a dog. We adopted him from BCIN in a very “locked down” state, fearful of even the air around him. We only fostered him in the very beginning, as I felt I hadn’t mourned our previous dog for long enough, after we adopted her at ten years of age. However, Shep crept into our hearts and will forever stay.
From being the fearful BC – the UPS truck was his nemesis! He became a Masters Agility Dog.
We had many summer vacations on the beach at Cambria, which he loved, and playing in the back yard with the always-available tennis ball. In fact, only a week before he passed away, he was playing catch with Derek.
He was the most gentle soul I have ever met in a dog. He loved our little granddaughter and anyone who came into the house. There wasn’t a mean bone in his body.
We miss you my gorgeous boy, but I know you are running and jumping waiting for both Derek and I at the Rainbow Bridge. Love you forever Sheppie.
We lost our beloved Casey December 23, 2018. She was 13-14 years old. We miss her everyday. She has left such a void
in our home and in our hearts. My stepson died in 2014 at the age of 21, and Casey served as an emotional support dog
for my husband. Whenever he was down, she always helped to cheer him. What a wonderful sweet and gentle soul she was. |
It is with a shattered heart that I write to tell you our beloved Merlin went over the rainbow bridge on the afternoon of Saturday February 18, 2018.
Border Collies in Need kindly entrusted his care to us on Saturday October 12, 2008, he was appx appx 4 years of age. You may remember the
story - it was at the LaBrea Tar Pits Best Friends Adoption Event and when they took him out of the crate to microchip him, he managed to
escape and ran down Wilshire Blvd. It was over an hour before he was found - miraculously without having been hit by a car! According to
his neuter certificate, his name was Paco but we were told her reacted poorly to that name (bad memories?) and your rescue changed it to
“Rocco”. When we had the privilege of adopting him, we chose the name “Merlin” due to his disappearing act that day :)
He was the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful soul. A true Mama’s boy but there was a lot of mutual love and affection with
his Dad also :) We had many fun adventures together. We tried sheep herding but he was nervous around the sheep, we tried agility
but he didn’t take to it (we found out later that he had been born with hip issues, which explains why he didn’t take to the agility).
He loved to swim and we had many, many happy family swim sessions in our pool at lakes and beaches. In his younger years, he loved
to chase tennis balls and we’d do that daily at the dog park where he’d also play with his friends & siblings). We took him on a “just
for Merlin” trip to Santa Barbara last summer. He has joined his brother Coby (a Lab mix) whom we lost to cancer last year, and his sister,
Sophie, whom we lost to old age six years ago (she was a senior rescue, 9 when we adopted her so we only had 4 years with her). Merlin is survived
by his younger sister Ellie, a cattle dog mix. He’s been closely monitored by his Dr for years and especially closely this last while. His kidneys
were starting to fail him and his hips were giving out. On Saturday he was unable to get up without assistance and we knew it was time to let
him go with dignity and without suffering. We carried him to his favorite local park for one last visit and offered him his favorite treat.
He was in our arms as he passed, surrounded by love. ~ |
Rest In Peace, Gracie Hooper
Dearest Gracie ~ Your beautiful little self came into our lives on February 14, 2008 and healed our broken hearts with your love.
You made it immediately clear that you were not happy being a one and only and you needed your entourage. Rocky became your puppy,
Tasha became your girlfriend, Tiny became your little play buddy and you have been the center of our universe ever since. You were
our little parrot nose, pigeon toed, gorgeous supermodel and you knew it and never let us forget it! Gracie Hooper’s little pack has
been full of love, play, treats, sweet morning, afternoon and evening routines that we have come to treasure. Our hearts broke on
April 1, 2017 when, after a short illness, we held you and told you we loved you as you drifted off to the Rainbow Bridge.
And just like that, after 10 short years, you were gone much too soon ~
They say time heals a broken heart, but we will never be the same without you and miss you and love you
every minute of every day. You took our love with you and it gives us great comfort that you
are watching over us from above. Just know, our sweet little Gracie,
we will come for you at that beautiful Rainbow one fine day.
~ Until then, your star shines bright in our evening sky ~ |
ROCKY 2007 - 05/04/2016
I got Rocky (Robby before) back in 2009. He was on your website and I picked him up in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
I wanted to rescue him so he could play with my older Border Collie, Lenny. They were good friends.
Rocky and Lenny were part of me getting off of hard drugs. I didn't want to hurt my friends(the dogs)
so I got off the dope. Rocky and Lenny got a new friend Nyxie, when I met my wife. Nyxie is
a German Shepherd/ Cattle dog. They all run and play. After being married we got Penny,
a baby border collie/lab. She is a sweet heart. She loved Rocky.
I noticed Rocky lost some weight in the last month. He was eating, but was acting depressed. He didn't
even want to go on his walk. He looked at me and it was like he said, "take me to a doctor". The vet did
some blood tests and found Rocky had a very low unregistered amount of red blood cells. She found that his spleen
was infected with cancer . She said my poor boy was not looking good and may not make it through the night. He just kept
looking at me, then my wife, then he would lay down and close his eyes. I just held him with my wife. We cried. Rocky looked
like he was telling me to send him to heaven. I told Dr Bowman to administer the shot. It only took a second and Rocky was at peace.
I buried him on a hill. My family came. He was an awesome dog. We are so sad. Here is a picture of him about two months
before he passed. Please put him on Rainbow Bridge.
Thank You,
Justin and Heather Coe
TAMMI 2014 - 2015
To My Owner 12-20-2015
I though you might like to know what happened to me.
I am a female black and white smooth coat Border Collie approx 1 ½ years old.
I was found on 12/3/2015 in a field in Riverside and brought to the Riverside Animal Shelter. I was terribly frightened, trying to make my way on the street, not knowing where I was going, trying not to get hit by a car, hungry and in pain, picked up by Animal Control, put in the kennel listening to slamming doors, dogs barking and all I wanted was to go home.
Somebody loved me. I knew all my basic commands and was very lovely. I came in with a cute pink collar with a big metal buckle. When you found the hard mass on my bottom right jaw, you took my tags off and set me on the street to fend for myself.
Yesterday, Sue Hooper from Border Collies in Need picked me up at the shelter and brought me some soft cooked chicken for breakfast while we listened to Christmas music on the radio and she transported me to Suzanne Strauss for my much needed veterinarian appointment. After my x-ray, Suzanne cried as they found the bone tumor was now encompassing ¾ of my jaw, had been bleeding and even pushed a lot of my teeth out. It has been causing me a great deal of pain for a long, long time now. Suzanne held me and told me she loved me and that I was a BCIN dog forever and that she was so sorry as they gently put me to sleep in her arms.
Yesterday, I was at peace and found love again.
Please be a responsible pet owner especially in their time of need. You are all they have.
TROOPER 2013 - 2015
Trooper was born in March 2013 and died March 15, 2015.
A tragic accident on March 15 stole the life of our beloved dog Trooper in an instant. Trooper was an absolute sweetheart and a much loved member of the family. He was gentle, energetic and fun loving. As his Mom, I cherish memories of walks, the toys he brought me to engage in play and his Romeo moments (he liked to gently rise up on his hind legs and hug you).
This loss is deeply painful for us. Many thanks to neighbors and the Dublin Ranch Dog Club for their notes of sympathy. We know time will make the grief fade to memories of joy but for now we grapple to fill empty days and hearts.
Trooper is survived by cat Bamm Bamm who also misses Trooper and Trooper's daily antics like stealing his cat food.
MADELEINE 2004 - 2015
This afternoon Steve and I had to say good bye to our sweet foster Maddie. She was 11 and it was decided that her age was against her surviving surgery for bloat. It's a very difficult surgery under the very best of circumstances.
She was a very special old girl, who had been badly mistreated before coming to BCIN. It was a honor to love and spoil her the last 4 and a half months. She is now free of any pain and no one will ever mistreat her again. She took a part of us with her and left many precious memories with us. Love you Miss Maddie, fly high and free! Thank you Suzanne for being with us as we said our goodbye; she was surrounded with love.
For more information about bloat, please visit this link from ASPCA.
LYLE 1991 - 2004
Webmaster's Spaniel/Borgi Mix
What a character you were, little Snark. You brought us joy every day, with your spunky antics and eyes full of mischief. We fell in love, thunderstruck, the first time our eyes met through bars at the shelter. You barked more loudly than everyone else, "Pick me! Pick me!", you yelled enthusiastically. Silly Puppers, you already knew there was no other choice for me. You bounced into our hearts as willingly as you hopped into the car, and will remain there ever more. We miss you still.
At the end, as we looked into your eyes, watching them fade, and felt your heart stop, a part of us was lost forever. How we grieved for you! Finally, when enough time had passed that we could open our hearts to another, we named her after you. Even through all the challenges you posed, you gave us so much more than you asked. Thank you, baby boy, for the loyalty, companionship and fun. We will meet again one day. Until then, be nice to others, and promise to watch over your little sister, Lyla, when her time comes to join you. With love, little Lylipup ~ Mama & Your Kathy |
In Memory of Buster & Bayer
In memory of Carol & her family's Black & White Border Collie, Buster, born September 28, 1995. Buster went to Rainbow Bridge on August 13, 2008. His feline sister, a black minx cat named Bayer, born March 17, 1991 went to Rainbow Bridge on July 30, 2008. We hope this memorial brings her comfort in knowing that they will meet again at Rainbow Bridge. |

Moses (crossed October 11, 2009)
Debi Alan
Some of you know I pulled a very geriatric LH Chi awhile back. Not to adopt but to give sanctuary. A nice, warm, soft place to die, where food and love were plentiful.
Listed at 10 years old, he was painfully thin and frail with a skin condition. Poor little guy was weak in the back end and his teeth worn down almost to the gums. My vet estimated him at 20 years old, though kindly listed him as 15 on his sterility certificate. I named him Moses...old as dirt.
Mo as I fondly called him was always a happy little guy. He'd get wagging so happily he'd loose his balance and almost fall. He gained some weight and the oily, flaky skin was gone. He loved to give kisses and it was hard with his advanced periodontal disease, but I would let him shower my face with those stinky kisses.
He was a ray of sunshine in a world that can sometimes be dark. When I was frustrated with rescue, adopters, or a difficult foster Mo was my 'go to' guy. He always made me feel better about my chosen path. He could always make me smile and ground me back to why I do this crazy job I do.
This morning as I was racing to get everything done to leave for Bow Wows and Meows, he just seemed a bit slower to rise from under his blanket. Tony said he was sunning himself, warming his ancient bones on the brick patio and just went to sleep about noon today. Quietly, without any struggle, he slipped over the bridge. He left me about the time I was in a flurry of adoptions.
I wish I could have been with him.
Goodbye my sweet little one. I think you came to me because I needed you, not that you needed me. I will cherish our short time and remember you always |

Farrah (crossed August 2009)
BCIN foster, adopted by Socorro
I'm sorry to tell you that Farrah has passed away. In early August she went into cardiac arrest and was not able to be revived. We were told she had been living with a congestive heart for quite some time. I wish we would have known sooner...maybe we could have helped her.
It has been a sad time for us for some time now but have so many great memories of our beloved Farrah. She brought so much love and joy to our lives. August 30th 2009 would have marked our first year with her as that was the day we
brought her home. We still celebrated that day with so many memories of her, even if for a short time. I want to thank BCIN for allowing us to have her in our lives and for the great work you are doing in providing homes for these loving dogs.
I am attaching some pictures of miss Farrah for you. Isn't she beautiful!
Our beloved Farrah who brought so much love and joy into our lives, gone too soon but FOREVER in our hearts.
We love you Miss Farrah! |
Chucky Medina (Born 1999. Passed away on March 25, 2010)
When my mom and I bought a Border Collie puppy and brought him home for my dad, it was a surprise for him, and when he went outside to the patio, out runs this little black and white ball of fur from under the patio table that ran around his legs. Turns out Chucky was a mischevious little thing and that took to moving patio furniture and burying stuff. As he got older and stronger, he even decided to bury my dad's weed whacker! My parents could hear him driving my nephew's Big Wheel around the yard at night. Chucky was no ordinary dog. He had an awesome personality and brought lots of joy in our lives. Toward the end of his life as we noticed gray hair taking over the black color in his face, it was amazing to think eleven years had already passed since we first got him. A few weeks ago, Chucky got an infection that affected his kidneys and he had to be put to sleep. My dad had to make the hard decision because even though Chucky belonged to all three of us, he was my dad's dog, and my dad didn't want him to suffer. He is now moving furniture and driving Big Wheels in doggy heaven and having fun. We love you Chucky, and we will miss you very much.
Ron, Bertha and Julia |
Memories of Chevelle
It was Christmas of 2009, and Chevelle was looking forward to another Christmas holiday season with her humans. Instead of the gift of love and tennis balls, Chevy was relinquished to Border Collies in Need after spending the first six years of her life in what she thought was her forever home.
Chevelle, a gorgeous 6 year old Border Collies was shaken to her core, and she was full of every negative emotion imaginable. She was broken. Scared. Angry. Confused. Lonely. Disoriented.
It took Chevy months to warm up to her foster mom, and even then she was un-easy about her foreign surroundings. Chevy would travel with her foster mom from adoption event to adoption event and she would barely get a second glance from potential adopters. She was broken.
Months went by, and Chevelle still had no humans to call her own and looked destined to spend the rest of her adult life in rescue with Border Collies in Need.
But, just when it seemed as tho all hope was lost, a family saw her photos and bio at Border Collies in Need website, and they were hooked.
You see, this family had a dog that was the spitting image of Chevy who was a therapy companion for their son, who suffered challenging disabilities as a result of a motorcycle accident almost a decade before.
Her future adopted family met Chevy and knew they had found their new best friend, and Chevelle, little did she know, was about to find her new forever home. Chevy took to the her new family instantly, it was love again for Chevy.
So 364 days after she was relinquished, Christmas of 2010, Chevelle was happily welcomed into her new forever home!
There was not a dry eye in our rescue organization when we all heard Chevy was adopted and finally, loved by her new family.
It is with un-imaginable sadness and heavy hearts that Chevelle passed into Rainbow's Bridge in March of 2011. We, at BCIN, feel as tho we have lost our personal girl. Our hearts go out to her adopted family who have shown that, no matter the circumstances, there are still those who have un-conditional love for sweet little souls such as Chevy.
Chevy has taken a piece of all of us with her and in return taught us to never, ever give up on even one little soul. She has once again, taught us that we are all worthy of love. In the end, she was surrounded with love, and we know, she knew how much she meant to us and we will always love little Chevy.
In honor of Chevelle, please support rescue organizations, for without them, Chevelle may have never found her forever home.
So, dear Chevelle, know you were loved so much by so many, you made a difference in this world, rest in peace, and au revoir.. until we meet again at Rescuer's Rainbow Bridge, Sweetheart. |
Memories of Roper
April 2014
I was chosen today
I'm learning to fly
the world took me away
but please don't you cry
And I chose you today
to try and be strong
so please don't you cry
or say that I'm gone
When you're feeling alone
just remember our love
I'm up near the stars
looking down from above
Remember our love
In a moment you'll see
that I'm still here beside you
when you're thinking of me
| |