Meet Billy. Billy is an 18 month male black and white Border Collie Mix weighing in at about 35 lbs. We are not sure what he is mixed with. Billy is another hard case that we took into our program and we were his only hope of making it out of the shelter alive. We were told that Billy was a confiscate case and that is all that was divulged about him. Take a look at him now compared to how he look when he first entered into our program. What a difference. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out his past based upon his photo. Billy has come out of his past circumstance unscathed and would make a nice canine companion. He is a very friendly fellow, but he is very active and will require daily consistent exercise to keep him tempered. Billy likes other dogs, and he is ok with the resident cat. Billy is potty trained, however, his house manners are still being worked on. Billy is crate trained, and obedience training has been started, but he needs some additional work. Billy is fine around kids.
If you are interested in meeting our dogs, please fill out an adoption application. We require a pre-approved application to be on file before any meet and greets are scheduled. The electronic application can be found on our website at http://www.bordercolliesinneed.org/border_collie_rescue_and_adoptions/adoption_application.html
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