Meet Lila. Lila is a 3 year old female traditionally marked black and white border collie. She is on the smaller side, weighing in at about 35 lbs. Lila came into rescue with her daughter, Hailey, and they were owner surrenders to the shelter. They are not a bonded pair and we are recommending that they be placed separately, so they can develop their own personality. It is obvious that Lila recently had a litter of pups, as she has blown her coat and is not looking her best at the moment. Lila sometimes can a bit timid upon first meeting her, but she will warm up to you once she meets you. She is very loving and sweet.
Lila loves to play with her ball and will self-entertain with it. We have had her out with the other foster dogs and sometimes she can be indifferent with them, and at other times she will be engaging. Lila walks decently on a leash and she is learning her basic obedience. Lila’s energy is medium and she will need consistent daily exercise. She is biddable and wants to please.
A home that is well suited for Lila is one that knows border collie behavior, is committed to teaching her good manners, and providing mental stimulation along with physical exercise.
If you are interested in meeting our dogs, please fill out an adoption application. We require a pre-approved application to be on file before any meet and greets are scheduled. The electronic application can be found on our website at http://www.bordercolliesinneed.org/border_collie_rescue_and_adoptions/adoption_application.html
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